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Posts posted by CommissarYardick

  1. I just recently discovered that you can fall in love with a woman and that this would not cross my mind. What i noticed was i was initially attracted to her personality. Then i fell for her quirks. The physical attraction came last. She is by no means average,to say the least. i just didnt notice her as a romantic interest before. Ive decided that if i would indeed pursue a relationship with her, i wouldnt put the sex cards on the table just yet. I value her and respect her too much. Also i wouldnt want to complicate things cause it was one of the causes why my previous relationship went awry.

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  2. i think nowadays being a virgin is the exception not the norm, once you hit 20something. if your girls a virgin and she would like to keep it that way until she finds the ONE or decides that youre that guy, then you should consider yourself lucky if you decide to wait that long haha. if not, then i guess you should respect your partners decision. try to talk about it if you can and if you think that you cant keep on the relationship without it then its time to part ways and move on. no hard feelings.

  3. Cool, a gundam thread. I just started to collect MG Grade models. Currently I have: Shin musha gundamRX-O Unicorn GundamTallgeese (current project, panel lining only)

    I have a question, I'm sure all of you know the bootleg versions of gundam (TT Hongli, Daban, etc) I just wanna know if anyone of you are buying these brands. Since its bootlegged, you can get MG Models for very cheap prices (2400 bandai vs 900 Daban)

    Worth it ba to collect the fake ones? Are the differences between the kits big?


    im a staunch collector of original models, but i have to admit ive bought a few bootlegs just to check what the deal is with these kits, ive found them useful for practicing paintinga and for kitbashing parts. if youre not sure if you want to invest a lot of cash in purchasing original bandai kits. you could try getting some bootlegs first cause this is not a cheap hobby haha

  4. We have been all through your current situation... To put it in perspective.. it is like climbing a mountain,

    at first excited and head over heels with mind-blowing sex.. then you convince yourself that sex is all that you're after. (Climbing Part)

    Then you inexplicably fall for the girl due to the constant interlude (Reached the Top)

    Then you get paranoid and jealous of the services she gives to other men, you can't work or sleep very well

    with your Nasty imagination at play with what she does within and outside the cubicle. (Downhill Part)


    Attachment to your girl is always not a matter of IF but a matter of WHEN...


    When it does can you handle the fall???


    felt like i was hit by a bus with what you said sir, couldnt have been said any better.


    falling for a lady in this industry is indeed a very bitter pill to swallow

  5. It's tough. A friend said he went to a spa and was cuddling a therapist while in the lobby. Suddenly the bf appeared unannounced and my friend saw how shattered the guy was. And the girl just couldn't leave him.


    To be in a relationship like this you need two things: an iron stomach so you can bear the realities of her work. And a forgiving heart, so you can look beyond what she does to survive.


    this is why i dont go into my gfs workplace, its hard enough keeping sane here at MTC, pano pa kaya pag nakita mo in person.

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