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Posts posted by Pitik

  1. Love's Secret

    William Blake


    Never seek to tell thy love,

    Love that never told can be;

    For the gentle wind doth move

    Silently, invisibly.


    I told my love, I told my love,

    I told her all my heart,

    Trembling, cold, in ghastly fears.

    Ah! she did depart!


    Soon after she was gone from me,

    A traveller came by,

    Silently, invisibly:

    He took her with a sigh.

  2. Lowel,

    I am really sorry to tell you that this ain't going nowhere.

    Thank you for liking me and seeing good things in me

    but I'd rather break your heart than give you false hopes.

    I do not want to do this either but I just have to.

    Please don't try to win me back.

    I'm being nice to those who are nice to me.



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