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Status Updates posted by SimpleSecret

  1. Have a blessed sunday everyone! :-)

  2. Gonna party tonight! :)

  3. Viber, Wechat, Line Activated. :)

  4. Thanks Mango Man! I really hope too... :)

  5. Great! Thanks for the warm welcome. Currently I am using my tab so it is kinda hard for me to navigate. So just add me in ym. Thanks. :-)

  6. Thanks. I wish that too.

  7. Someday I will forget you.... And soon I will meet someone better than you who will treat me the way I deserve to be. :)

  8. Gonna party tonight! Where to??? :)

  9. YM for Cam: simplesecrets@yahoo.com :)

  10. I always wanted to be treated special by you..... :)

  11. Feeling excited whats going to happen for me in this site..... :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Gambler_m


      good and exiting would mostly depend on you. but as i see it. youll be okay :)

    3. Fusarium_jimini


      Welcome to MTC..hope we can get to know each other better. ;)

    4. SimpleSecret


      Thanks everyone for the warm welcome.... :)

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