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Posts posted by dynoeggs

  1. dude everytime you complain get a tracking number so you would know and follow up that number. now if it still happens or nothing happens you should escalte it to the customer service head. remember if you are an irate customer that would be the time that they will make action. always get the name of the person you are calling. or even ask for an account manager so there is someone who is always monitoring your account. i am also an account manager with a different telco. so i know the proccess.


    good luck. cheers!

  2. nicely and correctly said! lets drink to that!


    cheers! :cool:



    Look at it this way, because of all the hatred and insecurities a "fat" person has,  anything negative towards him/her results to "hurt". The compilation of jokes (whether indirectly or directly) has made that person more sensitive to what people have to say, since the nastyness comes from who their surrounded by. just my two cents. regardless of, i think we should be sensitive on what we have to say to anyone (whether fat, thin, pretty, ugly).

  3. di din naman cguro purket mataba eh pikon agad... well cguro may mga iba na madaling mapikon... sa tingin ko depende na lang din yan sa pagdala ng tao eh... kung papa apekto ka sa mga asar at lait sayo talo ka... makisakay ka na lang din... cguro kahit buf seksi or payat yun may flaw din yun... be creative... hehe...  ako man mataba ako eh.. :rolleyes:


    dude ninong_420 korek ka dyan. ako bro am more on the big side pero indi naman ako affetced kung sabihan ako ng mataba ako. actually mas mahaba pa ata ang pasensya ng mataba if you think of it mas maraming beses pa kami sabihan ng mataba keysa sa mga buff or sexy pero indi naman kami affected.

    base on experience dudes mas marami pa akong pikon na mga kilala na nasa payat or buff side kung kwentahin mo ung mga pintas sa mataba compare sa pintas sa mga payat mas madali pa sila mapikon. well i guess nasa pag dadala lang yun. mahirap naman i generalize lahat nga mataba or lahat ng mapayat. kasi mahirap naman i deny kung mataba ka. so ok lang sabihin nila na ang taba mo or baboy ka as long as truth lang yun. mahirap kung sabihin nila yung walang katotohanan. like sabihin nila mukha akong ungoy or something that is not true. dun ako magagalit.


    like for me ever since i was a child mataba nako. pero nag excel naman ako sa life ko salutatorian ako during high school and i was the corps commander during college. i even recieve a leadership medal sa training command. and now senior manager nako at 30 yrs old. nasa nag dadala lang yan.


    the bottomline is all of us gets s@%t everyday, but it is how you handle s@%t thats what matters most.





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