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Posts posted by 27whims

  1. 10 years ago... my GF then of 7 years had to go and work abroad to help out her parents and follow her dreams as well... She went to Doha, Qatar to work in a hotel... we promised to make it work and i even planned on following her there... to work there, so i can be with her... it was all planned... what she didn't know is that i already bought her a ring... i was planning on proposing to her...


    2 months have passed by and i haven't received my work visa yet... so i bought a ticket and planned to travel as a tourist and propose when i arrive... i couldn't wait... i love her... i loved her...


    it was a Friday, i remember... and i was supposed to fly out to her Sunday...


    As usual we had out video call that night and that's when she told me she was 3 weeks pregnant



    OffT: ouch. sorry to read that. _DrMurdoc_


    OnT: .... lack of effort ....

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