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Status Replies posted by xavier_xerver

  1. Tuesday Tuesday........ work work work ha ha ha

  2. add me again, my id's blocked. :(

  3. add me again, my id's blocked. :(

  4. Tuesday rainy morning..... Traffic jam going to office...... but still need to go to work...

  5. Tuesday rainy morning..... Traffic jam going to office...... but still need to go to work...

  6. Today is Women's Day.

  7. I'm looking for a hot guy here!!!

  8. Monday morning and first day of work.....

  9. Monday morning and first day of work.....

  10. Monday morning and first day of work.....

  11. Friday.....Friday....Friday.... few more hours and rest day na at last tapos n naman ang isang linggo....

  12. Friday.....Friday....Friday.... few more hours and rest day na at last tapos n naman ang isang linggo....

  13. Friday.....Friday....Friday.... few more hours and rest day na at last tapos n naman ang isang linggo....

  14. Wednesday middle of the week...... Working as usual.....

  15. Wednesday middle of the week...... Working as usual.....

  16. It's already Monday and end of the month... First quater of the year is almost going to end... First day of working days should be on right track...... I hope so...

  17. Happy Saturday,,,,,,, but my tummy is not happy :-(........ but weekend should be okay I guess

  18. It's already Monday and end of the month... First quater of the year is almost going to end... First day of working days should be on right track...... I hope so...

  19. Happy Saturday,,,,,,, but my tummy is not happy :-(........ but weekend should be okay I guess

  20. Yesterday was mixx emotion on work grrrrrr..... I hope today will be fine & sunny day :-)

  21. It's Friday already yes, rest for saturday but doing house chores he he he ... sunday rest lang siguro

  22. It's already middle of the week and almost end of the month. March will come soon and then whats next. Nevermind :-)

  23. Yesterday was mixx emotion on work grrrrrr..... I hope today will be fine & sunny day :-)

  24. Monday must start the day right at work....

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