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Posts posted by Shiro

  1. I used to to drink nothing else but tequila (gold) and each time I'd get wasted, I'd complain endlessly about the nasty, nasty hangover it causes :D Then i shifted to vodka, which doesn't give me brain-crushing headaches as much as tequila does.


    I drink San Mig Light every once in a while. But i can only do so when it's ice cold. Otherwise, deyna :P

    heheh... MA!


    didn't know we have the same poison. vodka rules!


    Question: Stoli or Absolut? or does it matter?

  2. B) Im allergy to alcohol drinks. i turn red 4 3 to 5 days. any recomendation 4 me to get rid of the allergy?

    bro... just drink the offending substance a little at a time over a long period... you will develop an immunity to it. I had a friend and she was allergic to beer... she would turn red all over from one sip... we just kept giving her beer until the allergy went away... sayang though she looked so cute when she was red like that... :P



    Anyway, my poison... vodka. :)

  3. L.,


    I've no regrets for all that we went through. The good and the bad and all in between. Although the bad is all you choose to remember, I'm here to hold on

    to the days that made us smile.


    In my heart I will keep those first phone calls and text messages, the first smiles and laughs, our first touch... although they are there with everything that drove you away from me, the good things, the happy things are the ones I'll be treasuring.


    I cannot change the fact that now all you choose to see are the bitter memories. But I hold on to the sweet ones, to keep me going. Keep me reaching for that day, the day I will see your smile again, touch your hand, hear your laughter knowing I was what made you happy.


    I go through life lonely but determined, to make more sweet memories for you and me...


    Love always,



  4. i woke up this morning...


    and realized

    that i can live alone

    i have to


    it doesn't mean

    i'm gonna stop loving you

    or hoping


    for the day

    we don't have to

    be apart



    for you and your heart

    to look


    at me

  5. tired soul, tired mind, tired body

    weary heart, restless spirit

    searching for a sloace




    the will to live must be heeded

    but the weight of past wrongs

    threatens to k*ll even that


    i move forward, alone

    on a path towards a future

    that may no longer

    include you

  6. Of all the things I've believed in

    I just want to get it over with

    Tears form behind my eyes

    But I do not cry

    Counting the days that pass me by


    I've been searching deep down in my soul

    Words that I'm hearing are starting to get old

    It feels like I'm starting all over again

    The last three years were just pretend

    And I said,


    Goodbye to you

    Goodbye to everything I thought I knew

    You were the one I loved

    The one thing that I tried to hold on to


    I still get lost in your eyes

    And it seems that I can't live a day without you

    Closing my eyes and you chase my thoughts away

    To a place where I am blinded by the light

    But it's not right


    Goodbye to you

    Goodbye to everything I thought I knew

    You were the one I loved

    The one thing that I tried to hold on to


    And it hurts to want everything and nothing at the same time

    I want what's yours and I want what's mine

    I want you

    But I'm not giving in this time


    Goodbye to you

    Goodbye to everything I thought I knew

    You were the one I loved

    The one thing that I tried to hold on to

    The one thing that I tried to hold on to


    And when the stars fall

    I will lie awake

    You're my shooting star

  7. I woke up this morning and realized I still love you

    Just the same as yesterday, and the day before

    Despite everything that happened

    I still long to hold you

    And return to those days


    I haven't loved this much before

    I feel like Icarus soaring towards the Sun

    Will the wax melt this time around

    And send me crashing to Earth again?

  8. I hope you're happy

    Married woman, single lifestyle

    I hope you're happy

    Daughter left, unattended

    I hope you're happy,

    Heart broken, man ruined

    I hope you're happy

    New man, disrespectful pastard

    I hope you're happy

    Family ruined, Desire fulfilled


    I hope...

  9. The day after...


    A day that I dreaded to see. I wished last night that maybe somehow, the Lord would come take me in my sleep so I won't have to face today. Unfortunately, I woke up.


    I awoke to the truth. The truth of your betrayal, the truth of my inadequacy, the truth that now, my heart is broken... the truth that maybe there is no more hope, and that I'm just fooling myself that things will turn out better in the end.


    We are married... I hope that meant something to you... I hope that that solemn promise we made in front of everyone we cared about and more importantly, to GOD, meant something to you. You always said you were a religious person... I guess even your faith means nothing when all you think about is yourself.


    I know I've wronged you. But you are such a hard person... you aren't even giving me the chance to make it up.


    I woke up this morning... and I was angry. Angry at you. Angry because despite all your protestations and proclamations...despite all your explanations... despite your portrayal of yourself as the suffering wife and mother...all I can see is the spoiled, stubborn brat that you are.


    You're having your cake and eating it too. This has to end. I don't want to get our daughter involved in this... but I don't think living with such a self-centred person as yourself...she'll never be taken cared of properly.


    Stop deluding yourself. You don't live for others. You are selfish.


    It hurts me to say all of this.


    I'll stop.



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