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Lord Superb

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Status Updates posted by Lord Superb

  1. ♫ "Hello, I love you / Wont you tell me your name?" ♫

  2. ♫ If you don't know me by now, you will never, never know me.

  3. ♫ But when you think I've had enough from your sea of love, I'll take more than another riverful

    1. FleurDeLune


      I hope everything is fine with you...

    2. Lord Superb

      Lord Superb

      Finer than fine sand is me.

    3. FleurDeLune


      Glad to hear that. You take care always.

  4. "Say good-bye on a night like this if it's the last thing we ever do."

    1. FleurDeLune


      You don't want to look at her, do you?

    2. Queen Darkeinjel

      Queen Darkeinjel

      "And silence deeper than an unfathmable abyss swallows the words left unsaid."

    3. FleurDeLune


      Ah, that meaningful song. I know them (The Cure) as a new wave group band not the labeled alternative rock band artists.

  5. Happy Thirstay :-p

    1. Queen Darkeinjel

      Queen Darkeinjel

      good morning and a happy thursday.

    2. Lord Superb

      Lord Superb

      Likewise. Cats like me (Leo) are always thirstay. :-p

    3. Queen Darkeinjel

      Queen Darkeinjel

      wait, lemme think.

      i think i have a very clear idea.


  6. "Where is the life that I recognize? Gone away."

  7. "Your broadband modem is experiencing connectivity issues." Yep, pretty much describes how I feel towards people sometimes.

  8. It was well worth the risk to say hi

  9. Heartbreak or unrequited love is the first love song we all write in our journey to discover it.

    1. FleurDeLune


      Are you still based in Taguig, Chris?

    2. Lord Superb

      Lord Superb

      If by based you mean working there, yes, I'm still based in Taguig, but I live in Manila.

    3. FleurDeLune


      Hmm, yeah P. Gil was the last place I've heard. Correct me if I'm wrong. Haha. Anyway, I hope things are fine with you.

  10. "On a hot summer night, would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses?"

  11. "What a wicked thing to do, to make me dream of you."

  12. My heart sings what I lack the courage to say.

    1. Queen Darkeinjel

      Queen Darkeinjel

      because there are times when words are just but feeble tools to use to articulate what is felt.

  13. "I am the son and the heir of a shyness that is criminally vulgar."

    1. Queen Darkeinjel

      Queen Darkeinjel

      "I'm the son and heir of no one in particular..,"

    2. Lord Superb

      Lord Superb

      "I am human and I need to be loved. Just like everybody else does." Love that song.

    3. Queen Darkeinjel

      Queen Darkeinjel

      Me too. I love listening to it. A lovely wednesday sir.

  14. Just saw people close to being actual zombies, all of them connected to their smartphones.

    1. FleurDeLune


      And probably one of the reasons why there are some lovers turn to enemies--simply because either one of them is having a perpetual connection to their smartphones. :rolleyes:

  15. Heart is closed until further notice. Renovations ongoing.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. FleurDeLune


      What do you mean by "not as fiercely demanding of expression"?

    3. Lord Superb

      Lord Superb

      I mean they're dormant or hibernating, if you will. They're not as demanding of my committing them on paper as they used to.

    4. FleurDeLune


      Ok I got it...

      I hope you're doin' fine.

  16. Broken hearts go back to themselves, where it matters most. They cannot go anywhere else unless they've healed.

    1. jelly bean

      jelly bean

      they can but it usually ends in disaster

    2. Miss'ing


      They wander and search for a hero to fill in. Few are lucky while the rest gets heart broken or breaks anothe heart.

  17. I'm a nobody to no one; I am everything that I am.

  18. "I was looking for love in the strangest places." - Uriah Heep, July Morning

    1. FleurDeLune


      But not one was aware of the fire that burned… ”July Morning” itself could either be interpreted as a hint of new beginning or more than a sign of freedom itself. Great song. Great band.

  19. "Hello, I love you / Won't you tell me your name?" - The Doors

    1. FleurDeLune


      The band’s vocalist, Jim Morrison, was a poet, too. Unfortunately, he died at an early age allegedly due to heroin overdose. The song by the way is more than two-decade old now and yet it’s still capturing anyone who dreams of someone...

  20. Where do offline friends go? Ah, of course. Back to reality.

  21. Creativity and lust are intertwined. Both are conceived in tension, both are relieved in pleasure.

  22. Let me spread your mind and lick the pearl of its essence.

    1. FleurDeLune


      Let someone exercise the principle of intellectual masturbation

    2. Lord Superb

      Lord Superb

      Then mind f***. Then the real thing. Everything starts in the mind, as they say.

    3. FleurDeLune


      Inquisition mode. Who are thee?

  23. Being single sure does have its perks.

  24. "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."

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