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Status Updates posted by A X E L A

  1. why do you have to make it hard for me???? its you that im longing for!!

  2. thinking a lot of you lately...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. private_1st


      pare tahan na ,, mahal kita tahan na bH3 ,,,,, trolololol

    3. star_angel_becca


      Ayon oh..kau pla? Hahahhahaha

    4. A X E L A

      A X E L A

      Private nman.. discreet na nga..yan alam na ni angel becca.. hahaha

  3. u came along... just in time

  4. love me like you do...lss!!!

  5. its easter sunday... new life new beginning!! shall we start our own life? do what makes you happy ! as you wanted to be free to what ever you want to do...

  6. just had a wonderful roadtrip ! :)

  7. 152 /118 advise to goto e.r! wag na lang

  8. i cant get you out of my mind.. but i have to let you go :(

    1. darksoulriver


      parang kanta ah


  9. and now i realize im not that important to her..

  10. someday you will see my worth.. by that time i'll be out of your life

    1. Edmund Dantes

      Edmund Dantes

      But first appreciate your own worth yourself

    2. A X E L A

      A X E L A

      I know bro.. tnx

  11. soon and the truth will come out...

  12. lost n confused???

  13. only time can heal and no one knows when :(

  14. merry christmas everyone!!

  15. the worst thing has ended and i hope it will never happen again

  16. its been 3days and still having palpitation...

  17. wondering if you ever thought of me?

  18. the next 10 days to come will be scrutiating!.missing you so much bhe

  19. thank you for being the best!

  20. its always been you bhe and will stay that way as long as I am alive

  21. All I ever wanted is you!

  22. dont come to my funeral to show me how much you cared about me.....show me how much you care about me now when Im still alive

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