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Status Updates posted by Fusarium_jimini

  1. 'tis been a while since the last time..holy week pa ata...the longer my hiatus has been, the less am I inclined to go back..

  2. Will finish my surgical onco rotation at medical city this week.. And I still haven't explored the night scene of Ortigas/Metrowalk!..tsk..tsk..

  3. Lessons learned in surgical oncology: ask your dear loved ones to undergo regular screening for the most common of cancers.. Lung, liver, breast, prostrate, and colon/rectum

  4. Boys hang-out/outing tomorrow.. Male bonding time..without them bhebs' hang-ups to dampen the mood, hehehe

  5. Almost halfway through a lengthy clinical duty...

  6. Good morning MTC! Free time tomorrow :) ...after 4pm :(

  7. Thinking of the best bribe I can give to the head O.R. nurse for letting me use the terminal to visit MTC.. Hehehe

  8. Another 60-hour duty 'bout to begin right now..

  9. 'been thinking about joining the political arena..

  10. Time to hit the E.R. triage..be back later..

  11. Might retire from the spa scene..time to really make a dent to society for a change

  12. Making bad decisions left and right are a thing of the past..

  13. ...tsk...tsk...tsk...

  14. What's on your mind?tolerance today for annoying people

  15. Sarap ngnwalang duty!!!

  16. On my 3rd appendectomy of the night..

  17. Bespren apple! Musta?

  18. Back in Manila, back to reality..haist!

  19. Can't wait to be back in Manila.. Sleep all day, spa all night!

  20. Whoever gave me the negative points.. You think I give a f#&k?..c'mon, I probably have a better life than what you can even hope for!

  21. Leaving for masbate tonight for 1week of medical mission..HTM!

  22. relaxed state tonight..stressful job tomorrow

  23. chillin' at greenbelt later..

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