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  1. So something new I learned and sharing with the gm's here, while you might come out clean with the std screening tests.. it's a good idea to still get urine cultures incase of any other bacterial infections that aren't std's but can be transmitted through sex.(e.coli)
  2. Yes, though you'd need to get it reco'd by ur physician and provider before you can get the test. At least that's my experience with maxicare for other tests. I tend to do it out of pocket for std tests.
  3. Update for everyone, price is now 3000 for ct/ng which is still good. Which brings the total package 18 with the optional ct/ng to 5.2k Overall package is now comparable to loveyourself's 5 in 1 premium std package test(4.5k) and might be even better since hi precision uses the more modern ag/ab hiv test along with cbc and urinalysis.
  4. Ah, this is 3rd gen antibody only.
  5. Pwede padin sir, herpes/syphillis/HPV can still infect you due to the nature of how they're passed. Iwas nalang din sa oral sex and french kissing para reduced risk.
  6. Do we know if the HIV test they're using is 3rd gen ab(antibody only) or 4th gen ag/ab(antigen/antibody)?
  7. I suggest looking into prep at the very least for those who prefer doing it live.. at least you'll have one less std to worry about.
  8. Nice, thanks for sharing sir!
  9. Might be best to simply inquire with them boss or call them. Please do share once u get the info, I'm curious din. Thanks!
  10. As long as it's a reputable clinic/hospital you should be fine. Of course we have our own biases, with mine being hi-precision.. other gm's have pointed out myhealth and loveyourself.
  11. For everyone's reference
  12. It's hard to tell sir, it can be mucus thread, high bacteria, high wbc.. but it can also be all in the normal range but you'd still be infected.. it's not a reliable method for knowing 100% if you have either of those infections as other factors can come into play. It would be best to simply test specifically for those infections instead.
  13. This is the same as hi precision's std screening package 18.. and myhealth is a little bit more expensive with their red package.
  14. That's good to know, I might try this moving forward as a more practical option over hi precision. Thanks!
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