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D King

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Status Updates posted by D King

  1. hahaha... Someones got to do the dirty JOB.... hahaha XD

  2. Don't worry, I always do that to my nephew...hahaha...

    So excited to see you again... :3

  3. I'm going to my brothers' house today to takecare of my nephews....hehehe

  4. I Love Rain... I Love You.... hahaha....

    What picture are you talking about??? hahaha.. the one with two hands??? hahaha

  5. haha... what picture???

  6. hahaha... how did you know??? haha

  7. hahaha... I will have to kidnap my nephew if thats the case....hahaha

  8. I will cook for you at tuesday OK???!!! that will be our dinner.... hahaha

  9. Lets get married!!! hahaha XD

    ♡♡♡♡♡♡ ♡♡♡♡♡♡ ♡♡♡♡♡♡

  10. If you Love Life, Do not Waste Time, for Time is what Life is Made up of.

  11. hahaha.... I'm addicted to your sweetness yesterday!!! hahaha

  12. I want to spend more time with you!!! :3

  13. Hugs and Kisses to you my Sachi!!! :3 :3 :3


  14. All I can say is I miss you very much!!! :3


  15. Pm??? Where?

  16. How about you???

  17. I L-O-V-E YOU!!! XD

  18. which do you like between the two??? hehehe ;)

  19. oh really??? ;)

  20. I L_ _ _ YOU!!! ;)

  21. I want you... :P

  22. when may I see you???

  23. I want to see you!!!

  24. Did you miss me???

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