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Status Updates posted by clandestinecuddles

  1. Hey hubby:I just discovered that I'm like a shower. If you TURN ME ON, I'll get WET!!

  2. Hi friends. I just started a topic entitled WHO/WHAT MADE YOU SMILE TODAY and I would appreciate it if you post a reply para naman dumami ang posts. haha. Thanks

  3. Hi MrKiss. Tara lets be friends;

  4. Hubby and I still have ORAL SEX anytime anywhere. Whenever we meet I say f#&k YOU and he says f#&k YOU TOO!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DorkVader


      That's just about the only thing I get these days. I just hear and talk about it. Sad.

    3. clandestinecuddles


      Such pathetic sex lives we have.

    4. jake252


      and then the words turn into? ...

  5. Hunting for that elusive Two Eggs!!!

    1. WitMystery


      Gabi na and you're still on an Easter egg hunt? LOL! Or is this just breaking Abstinence? ;)

    2. clandestinecuddles


      This special egg comes out at night. But i prefer the one that comes out at daytime. It has to be discreet


  6. I dont drink alcohol. Penis Colada will do. Este pina colada pala.

  7. I feel HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!! Looks like it's gonna rain.

    1. deathgrip19


      san ka nagwowork?


    2. clandestinecuddles


      @deathgrip19 I work at home

  8. I had a good lay today,,,,,, este day pala. Perfect for the stormy weather :)

  9. I haven't done this for the loooooooongest time ang maligo sa ulan!!!!!

    1. tororista


      basang basa sa ulan, walang masisilungan..

    2. clandestinecuddles


      Oh Aegis.. Got wet not because walang masilungan but my choice

  10. I like his face........ I wanna sit on it!! lol

    1. caloy168


      What a statement hahahaha and I totally like it

  11. I may not be athletic, but i know how to play with balls :)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. freemark


      Never mind soccer just not golf or baseball! :)

    3. clandestinecuddles


      Oh small hard balls :)

    4. GAT11


      OMG.. good girl.. haha

  12. I miss you sooooo much that I broke the vibrator!!!

  13. I miss you sooooo much that I broke the vibrator!!!

  14. I must be really HOT...... kasi binitawan mo ako!!

  15. I WILL BE ON TOP!!!!! Looking at 2014 with optimism. Happy New Year everyone.

  16. I wish I had the courage and the guts to walk away and forget what we had. But I cant because I know you wont come after me , and I guess that's what will hurt the most. :(

    1. DorkVader


      PRIDE hija. It works!

  17. I wonder how I got an EXCELLENT reputation here. whoever is responsible for this .... Thank you !!

    1. fire_breather


      CC, pm me where I can e-mail really good stuff for VC's material. Cheers!

    2. no foul

      no foul

      thanks for accepting.. :))


  18. I wonder how it is freeing myself and letting go.........

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. clandestinecuddles


      @climaco hmm then maybe i should throw all worries, inhibitions and negative feelings out the window

    3. DorkVader


      He said it's liberating. Throw away all inhibitions out the window, then you are inviting.

    4. DorkVader


      He's right, come to think of it.

  19. I'll just be a sampaguita to you and can never be your DAISY, nor will I be your BABE but just your lady.

    1. DorkVader


      Parang Manang Cuddles?

  20. I'm feeling ecstatic. I'm glad of all the choices I made. No regrets. :0

    1. DorkVader


      Of all the choices. . .which one?

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