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miketest75 last won the day on December 27 2013

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  1. Hi guys, been trying to get a credit card for years... used to have one and even offered some pero hindi ko kinuha or pinasarado ko na yung account. now I am in "contractual" basis with my new work... wondering if there is a bank na hindi masyadong mabusisi... ironic is that even at contractual basis my pay was bigger than my friend who was a stay at home mom... yung mag-kasama kami sa mall... someone from Citibank approached us... sya pinayagan pero lagay lang na stay at home mom... ako hindi daw pwede sa Citibank since i was contractual... the thing was I knew that her husband's pay is no where near what I take in a month (3-4x) pero hindi ako pwede at least for Citibank... so i jokingly said... pwede ba house-husband magka-card? natawa lang yung babae na nag-o-offer. Seriously though, any banks na madali ang kumuha ng credit card? since main problem ko is the certificate of employment... once they see contractual... or probationary status... tapos. Odd nga meron mga promos sila (some banks) sa new-grads... pero ako hindi din pwede since I do not have an existing student ID and proof na new grad ako. >.<
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