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Posts posted by lonelylooker

  1. Di na sana ako nag career change at pumayag sa erpat ko na tapusin ung kurso na sya ang may gusto... but well andun na yun you justhave to strive hard to find what's really in our heart's desire just like what Forrest Gump says .....



  2. Just accept the the reality that its not your sibling's fault... Acceptance to the situation is the right way for a harmonize relationship... In my case, I have a brother from another woman of my dad... Since I have no mom since birth they moved in to our house when I was 17 years old and the boy is in his toddler age. Now 20 after we get along very well especially in family reunion, I don't get well with her mom because of her attitude and with no respect to my right as the eldest son of my dad but my half brother is the other way around he always treat me like a true brother and i return the respect to him as my younger brother... We have one thing in common we always look up to our dad because its my dad who raises us up through all this years... so having a dialogue will bring you closer together and will notice that you have one thing in common .



  3. Let me share my experience ......


    It happened during the 2010, it was an election year , I think if I can remember it was at the middle week of March , and our house was converted into a campaign headquarters for our relative politician who is running for a local position at that time. That house is our ancestral house and was built in the 1950s ( more or less 60 years old ). I grew up in to this house so I knew every corner of it and I may say some local political history of it. Being a lolo's and lola's boy I just moved out of the house when I got married 11 years ago. It is here were we held the funeral vigil of my grand dad in 1979 and my grand mom in 1998.


    I came back to the house and since no one was living in that house, we convert it into an political headquarters and I was assigned to be the campaign manager. During one of our meeting in the dining room (imagine all old furnitures are still there even though no one was living there almost 10 years ) we were discusing about plans and strategies we were maybe 5 in that meeting. Then there were silence. at that silence we heard a voice of a lady from the stair case calling my name. My assistant who also heard the voice turned our heads to the directions where the source of the voice came from. But nobody was there. We looked at each other and just shrugged of the incident. When I face back to the others , their face became pale and they too heard the voice. I just told them that don.t worry because it was my lola , and even joked about it that the voice was not angry and it was calm and sweet.


    After that incident I still get goose bumps and when my former assistant during that time and I meet and recall that incident . Sitll since my old aunt and her helper is living in that house now I still go there every night to check them out and still expecting to hear that voice again because I was sure it was my lola and in to my mind she is still in that house guarding and looking at us just like what she does when she was still alive.


    In one incident , my cousin's best friend and a companion who happened to have an esp visited that house because she was looking for a venue for her cousin's debut. As she entered the house she heard a lady's voice saying " Bakit d mo subukan itong bahay para sa party ". she told us that right away and we told her that it was my lola , because during the teenage years of her mga apo ( we were 14 )

    insted of letting us go out to party, she will suggest our friends to hold the parties in that house. Then afterwards she stopped suddenly staring the dining area and seems like looking towards the staircase area. she told us that she saw a man wearing a kursunsilyo ( the boxers short of the oldies ) sitting in the dining chair , then stood up and proceeded to the room just besides the staircase which happened to be lolo and lola's bedroom. We told her that it was our lolo because he has a habit that after saying the after meals prayer , he would stand up immediately and proceed to the bedroom to watch television and when he was still alive he wears that shorts all the time.


    That is when we realize that even no one was living in that house for a long period of timee even antiques and old furnitures are still there and it was easy for the robbers to steal anything , why nobody dared to . It was my lolo and lola who was sitll in that house gaurding / protecting that house.

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