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Status Updates posted by Vee

  1. Happy Birthday!

  2. Happy Birthday!

  3. Happy Birthday!

  4. Vee

    Happy Birthday!

  5. Happy Birthday!

  6. Happy Birthday!

  7. Vee

    Happy Birthday!

  8. collecting which cards?

  9. :) nice to see you back.
  10. hia raistlin - am doing alright, been busy with work. How have you been? - and yes I remember you.

  11. Great Afternoon! as i am usually asleep most morning since I am on GY 2 months straight :)

  12. hia peeps. am sorry I am not online all the time. just write me pm me if you want to get in touch..

  13. hia Keithy. Sorry for the late reply.. been awfully busy at work.

  14. am doing well Cocoy.. how have you been. I am currently just really busy with work - did a lateral transfer and now I am swamped with tons of work. What about you what's been keeping you busy nowadays?

  15. Hia X-avier! How have you been doing?

  16. What's a DS?

  17. hia Xavier and android

  18. PSP? what's that? I suppose not since I don't even know what that is... Am I PSP? Isn't that a gaming console?

  19. i like road trips

  20. hi.. have we met?

  21. Vee

    hi have we met?

  22. Belated Happy Birthday

  23. miss you sebyang

  24. thank you for passing by and adding me as your friend.

  25. thanks for visitng robin

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