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Status Updates posted by Crassus

  1. DOPPELBANGER - (Noun) a person who has sexual intercourse with someone that looks identical to them but is not related.

  2. DUDEVORCE - (n) When two bros officially end their friendship.

  3. Dumaan ako sa South Star Drug. Want to test this Advert in this Site.

  4. Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.

  5. Every Hole, is a Goal! :)

  6. Every time I click a Link, the page gave me this look. 500 = internal server error.. Why oh why. ....

  7. Huli ka pare! Haha! :)

  8. Hyberdating = (verb) when a person ignores their friends, in favor of their Boyfriend/Girlfriend.

    1. Crassus


      hello sachi :)

    2. Crassus


      Thanks. :) Keep safe at school :)

    3. Sitti of TVS
  9. I asked a Chinese girl for her number. She replied, "Sex! Sex! Sex! Free sex tonight!" I said, "Wow!" Then her friend said, "She means 6663629."

  10. I need someone to Love. :)

  11. I’m never sure what to do with my eyes when I’m at the dentist. Do I close them? Do I stare at his face? Do I look at the ceiling? What’s the proper etiquette here?

  12. If you can smile when things go wrong, you have someone in mind to blame.

  13. If you plugged your nose and your mouth while you sneezed, would it come out of your ears or would your head explode?

    1. private_1st


      pero aminin mo sir, ginawa mo??

    2. Crassus


      I did. :D Sumakit lang ulo ko. :D

  14. Its good to be friends with PSPs, because they are more the Real People I know than the Regular ones. And, Hindi naman ako GM. haha

  15. Kanina gagala ako, my nag alok ng sex with a hot model daw. Ang kapalit lang daw non mag advertise ako ng isang bathroom cleaner dito sa Facebook.. shempre di ako pumayag. Mataas moral ko! Ano ako uto-uto? Sex lang yan malakas ang control ko! Kasing lakas ng DOMEX, the incredibly strong bathroom cleaner na talagang nakakalinis at nakakapatay ng germs at available pa yan in Lemon scent in 9.50 pesos nalang 30% discount.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sitti of TVS

      Sitti of TVS

      Hahahaha.....tawa much... lol... =D

    3. star_angel_becca


      Ahhahhaahahha..aus ah!!domex!!

    4. Crassus


      sila kasi eh. haha :D

  16. Laugh at your problems, everybody else does.

  17. Learn from your parents' mistakes, use birth control!

    1. MsDebauchery


      especially if your pull out game is weak

  18. Love your enemies.. it pisses them off.

  19. malapit na ako pumunta dyan!! wahihi!!

  20. MASTURDATING - (noun) going out alone to a movie or restaurant.

    1. Crassus


      LOL sachi, your imagination always facinates me. haha :D

  21. Music Mode: SounDragon, Blue21: Blue Magic (Running Mix)

  22. Need to talk. ANYTHING.

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