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NightWriter last won the day on September 23 2012

NightWriter had the most liked content!

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    Writing. Pop Culture, Cars, Mopeds, Lifestyle and travel

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  1. My dearest!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. handsomebob


      fried chicken and some veggies my dearest...it's 8:02 AM there, have you had breakfast?? hindi ako maka log off dito kasi iniintay kita baka di na naman tayu mag pang abot, haha..

      I will be sleeping in probably 2 hours or less....have to hit the gym again tomorrow..


      how are you feeling this morning??

    3. NightWriter



      Sana nga ganyan din ang dinner ko 😭 Naranasan mo ba yung buksan mo ang fridge at puro left -overs lang ang nasa loob? 

      I don't know how to cook

      That's how I feel, Hun! 

    4. handsomebob


      ok lang dearest i iwll be the one to cook for us.. i know Pinoy dishes only unfortunately, haha but i think i can cook a mean steak with side dishes..

      take care on your way to work, drive safe and will be thinking of you when i sleep.. ❤️❤️❤️

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