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Status Updates posted by Fairies

  1. bdtrip n sipon :(

    1. steadyelmo


      Flood yourself with vitamin c enriched drinks and take vitamin c tablets and some rest will do you good

  2. totally single :(

    1. DROYALE


      cheer up Fairies :)

    2. Fairies


      gnun tlga huh :) move on n

  3. im bored super

    1. lllmoves_like_jaggerlll


      hi what are the current rates?

    2. Fairies


      mgback read n lng poh kau sir tnx

  4. kung hei fat choi

    1. DROYALE


      Happy Chinese New Year fairies :)

    2. Fairies


      same 2 u mr.droyale

  5. i want to go tagaytay :)

    1. DROYALE


      i'm gonna go tomorrow, wanna go? craving for tagaytay bulalo :P

    2. Fairies


      ohs kainigit amn huh :( aqoh nxtwik p hmp ingatz

  6. i want to go tagaytay :)

  7. im not fling wel :((

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Fairies


      oh sure....y? not ehheh :) r u sure u want to learn

    3. DROYALE


      yeah, very much :) can u teach me? you're not kidding ha ;)))

    4. DROYALE


      logging off n. if ure game pm me your number so we can know more about each other and then let's study mssge tgether. cheerio ;P

  8. ooouucchhh my tooth is aching grrrrrrrrrrrrr hate chocolates ggrr

  9. ooouucchhh my tooth is aching grrrrrrrrrrrrr hate chocolates ggrr

  10. ooouucchhh my tooth is aching grrrrrrrrrrrrr hate chocolates ggrr

  11. ooouucchhh my tooth is aching grrrrrrrrrrrrr hate chocolates ggrr

  12. ooouucchhh my tooth is aching grrrrrrrrrrrrr hate chocolates ggrr

  13. ooouucchhh my tooth is aching grrrrrrrrrrrrr hate chocolates ggrr

  14. i mizzzzzzzz __________ehhe

  15. i nid soothing massge.....n someone 2 hug :P

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Fairies


      i nid hard massge for my back.....huhuhu..:P

    3. Fairies


      i nid hard massge for my back.....huhuhu..:P

    4. Fairies


      i nid hard massge for my back.....huhuhu..:P

  16. i nid soothing massge.....n someone 2 hug :P

  17. i nid soothing massge.....n someone 2 hug :P

  18. i nid soothing massge.....n someone 2 hug :P

  19. i nid soothing massge.....n someone 2 hug :P

  20. i nid soothing massge.....n someone 2 hug :P

  21. i nid soothing massge.....n someone 2 hug :P

  22. i nid soothing massge.....n someone 2 hug :P

  23. i nid soothing massge.....n someone 2 hug :P

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