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samantha gheen

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    facebook prgheen@yahoo.com

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About Me

i am friendly...i assure

i love cuties...

i am a lover....(please love )me...harhar


* its so much fun to have someone to LEAN on wen ur depressed or just simply DOWN,have someone to TALK about things..


SIMPLE things and yet can be so DEEP, that the both of u can RELATE to. things you dont wanna tel ur partner, parents or siblings...hehe..some1 u can jive to!! someone you can call in the middle of the NIGHT and would be there for u Through The GOOD times and also the BAD time


Just because im QUIET doesnt mean i have NOTHING to say..I JUDGE people too easily by my FIRST IMPRESSION. I'd rather wait forever for the PERFECT GUY than settle for any ole' person..I'm UNPREDICTABLE and SPONTANEOUS...i try to be FORGIVING...i enjoy being UNIQUE. I'm AMBITIOUS and DETERMINED, but i can get LAZY and UNMOTIVATED at times..I'm a SUCKER for COMPLIMENTS...id rather look IMMATURE and have FUN than care about what other people think. sometimes I feel really CONFIDENT and other times I feel really INSECURE. im CREATIVE and IMAGINATIVE. im CURIOUS about everything. FRIENDS mean EVERYTHING to me but sometimes i just want to be ALONE. i ENVY people who can fit in so easily without even trying. i try to be SYMPATHETIC and SUPPORTIVE, even if sometimes i fake it to make you feel good. im OPINIONATED and STUBBORN, but im LOYAL, SINCERE and CARING. you can TRUST me with your secrets, unless it is something that i know will hurt you. i always try to see the BEST in you, even if you annoy me.i HATE IT when people make me feel guilty to get their way...ill always be here to LISTEN to your problems and ill STICK UP for you no matter what happens...



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