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Posts posted by Django

  1. This is dedicated to.... sana mabasa mo ito... uwi ka na... miss na kita


    I'd Really Love to See You Tonight

    England Dan & John Ford Coley


    Hello, yeah, it's been a while.

    Not much, how 'bout you?

    I'm not sure why I called,

    I guess I really just wanted to talk to you.

    And I was thinking maybe later on,

    We could get together for a while.

    It's been such a long time,

    And I really do miss your smile.


    I'm not talking 'bout moving in,

    And I don't want to change your life.

    But there's a warm wind blowing,

    The stars are out, and I'd really love to see you tonight.


    We could go walking through a windy park,

    Or take a drive along the beach.

    Or stay at home and watch t.v.

    You see, it really doesn't matter much to me.


    I'm not talking 'bout moving in,

    And I don't want to change your life.

    But there's a warm wind blowing,

    The stars are out, and I'd really love to see you tonight.


    I won't ask for promises,

    So you won't have to lie.

    We've both played that game before,

    Say I love you, then say goodbye.


    I'm not talking 'bout moving in,

    And I don't want to change your life.

    But there's a warm wind blowing,

    The stars are out, and I'd really love to see you tonight.

  2. *sigh*


    This is for you .... sana mabasa mo ito...


    In sadness, we must not forget to hope for our joy, for our joy will only become even sweeter as we suffer me. But what ever you do, don't give up hope; it is the greatest thing man has.


    Love can end and be lost, but with hope, love can be regained, and with hope, love can become even better.


    It cannot be denied, love is the most dangerous thing to people.


    Without warning we can become prone to a person.


    We fall for them, they become our everything. How it happens, we do not know.


    But love does happen. If love is taken away from us we are hurt gravely.


    The world shatters. Our stomachs cringe. Everything has gone wrong.


    But just as everything can go wrong, everything can go right. That feeling that a "maybe we should just be friends" destroys can be made eternal by an "I love you."


    Love hurts, but there is a reason why we chase love.


    Love is pure bliss. With Love everything is perfect, nothing is wrong.


    Do well to remember Love, and not the loss of it.


    Being in love- or falling in love reminds me of a lne in Neil Gaiman's short comic within "The Sandman" series- titled "Fear of Falling"


    In his dreams (in which he's climbing a steep mountain-even though he has a great fear of heights), a man meets the Dream King and confronts his fear (heights, success, failure, etc).


    And his fear of falling- in which Dream, offers him a choice when he falls....


    Sometimes you wake up.


    Sometimes the fall kills you.


    And sometimes, when you fall, you fly."


    And the fly after the fall makes everything seem worthwhile.


    Tis better to try and fail, than fail to try at all- and regret all your life that you did not have the courage to try.

  3. There's just something different about you

    New Edition


    There's just something different about you

    I don't understand it but you've got this mystical air that surrounds you

    Never before has anyone affected me this way,

    Coz, I just can't stop thinking about you.


    There's just something haunting about you

    It's so unusual

    And I never met anyone like you

    Coz I'm hopin' that you feel for me, the way I feel for you

    Coz, I just can't stop thinking about you.



    I want you, I need you, but I'm afraid to show you

    How can I just tell you the way I feel about you

    Please tell me, please tell me, I'm not the only in love...

    I'm not the only one in love.


    There's just something different about you

    I don't understand it but you've got this mystical air that surrounds you

    Never before has anyone affected me this way,

    Coz, I just can't stop thinking about you.



    I see your face and I could feel I suddenly go to pieces

    I hear your name and I'm amazed how much I want you near me,

    Please tell me, please tell me,

    I'm not the only one in love,

    Ohh, I'm not the only one in love!

  4. OK fearless_lover and sebf27 :) here's a thread for HR Questions, issues- and other stuff.


    Members are welcome to post any HR related stuff- or ask any questions- and we'll try our best to answer them :D


    In addition, all MTC members who have careers/experience in HR are welcome :)


    (tapos plan tayo ng HR EB- hehehehe).


    mods... pa sticky naman ang thread na ito o- salamat :)

  5. POEM # 1

    I like your style

    I like your class

    but most of all i like your ass



    POEM # 2

    Im a cool girl, in a cool town

    it takes a real mother f**ker to put me down



    POEM # 3

    Kissing is a habit

    f#&king is a game

    Guys get all the pleasure

    Girls get all the pain

    The guy says i love you

    You believe its true

    But when your tummy starts to swell,

    He says 'to hell with you'

    10 minutes of pleasure

    9 months in pain

    3 days in hospital

    A baby without a name

    The baby is a bastard

    The mother is a whore

    This never wouldn't have happened

    If the rubber wouldn't have torn


    POEM # 4

    Guys are like roses,

    Watch out for the pricks.


    POEM # 5

    Smoke a smoke

    Not a butt

    f**k a virgin

    Not a slut.


    POEM # 6

    Sex is bad

    Sex is a sin

    Sins are forgiven

    So stick it in.


    POEM # 7

    Holy mother, full of grace

    Bless my boyfriend's gorgeous face

    Bless his hair that tends to curl

    Keep him safe from all the girls

    Bless his arms that are so strong

    Keep his hands where they belong

    Bless his dick, the one i sucked

    Bless the bed, in which we f#&ked

    And if my Mom happened to walk in

    Bless the s@%t I'd be in.


    POEM # 8

    Sex is when a guys communication

    enters a girls information

    to increase the population

    for a younger generation

    do you get the information...

    or do you need a demonstration


    POEM # 9

    Men are like public toilets

    They are either engaged or full of s@%t!


    POEM # 10

    If guys had they periods

    They would compare the size of their tampons!


    POEM # 11

    Mental anxiety,

    Mental breakdowns,

    Menstrual cramps,


    Did you ever notice how all our problems begin with



    POEM # 12

    Roses are red,

    Violets are corny,

    When I think of you

    Ohh baby I get horny,

    Eat me,

    Beat me,

    Bite me,

    Blow me,

    Suck me,

    f**k me,

    Very slowly,

    if you kiss me,

    dont be sassy,

    Use your tongue and make it nasty!!!!


    (added) Poem #13

    Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue...

    I'm In Love But Not With You...

    When We Broke Up You Thought I Cried

    But All It Was...

    Was Another Guy,

    You Told Your Friends That I Was A Trick,

    I Told Mine That You Had A Weak Dick...

    I Said I Loved You

    And You Thought It Was True,

    But Guess What Baby?!

    You Got Played Too!!



    (added)Poem #14

    Guys are like parking spots...

    the good ones are always taken...

    and the ones that are available,

    are either handicapped or too far away!! *Darny*

  6. Ito pa......


    Let the Pain Remain


    love comes, love goes,

    but a sudden feeling never lets me be

    somehow, i know,

    quite a part of me isn't changed since you've been gone

    like a sturdy tree thats seen a thousand seasons

    i've to shed my leaves in winter

    and grow them back in spring

    to welcome life again

    to welcome you


    so goes, my life

    still beleive in dreams of having you around

    too bad, memories feed the mind and not the heart

    where i want you to be,

    so i ask myself what you've left behind for me

    to go on each day and live as if

    i have you once again

    what else is there that's real

    but all the pain that i feel,


    so let the pain remain

    forever in my heart

    for every throb it brings is one more moment

    spent with you,

    i let the pain, bring on the rain

    if that's the only way

    if there's no other way

    to be with you again


    too bad memories, feed the mind and not the heart

    where i want you to be

    so i ask myself what you've left behind for me

    to go on each day

    and live as if i have you once again

    what else is there that's real

    but all the pain that i feel

  7. ....dis is dedicated to.... kilala mo na kung sino ka.... :wub:


    Say You'll Never Go





    How can I make it through the day

    Without you

    You have been so much a part of me

    (and if you'll go)

    I'll never know what to do

    How can I carry on my way

    The memories

    When all that is left is the pain of my history

    Why should I live my life today


    I cannot live out on my own

    And just forget the love you've always shown

    And accept the fate of my condition

    Please don't ever go

    For I cannot live my life alone


    Say you'll never go

    Say you'll never go out my way

    Say you'll never go

    For we can still go on

    And make it through

    Just say you'll never go

    Say you'll never go away


    How can I make my dreams come true

    Without you

    You were the one who gave love to me

    (And don't you know)

    You are my fantasy


    I cannot live out on my own

    (I can't do anything at all)

    And just forget the love you've always shown

    And accept the fate of my condition


    Please don't ever go

    For I cannot live my life alone


    Say you'll never go

    Say you'll never go out my way

    Say you'll never go

    For we can still go on

    And make it through

    Just say you'll never go

    Say you'll never go away


    Say you'll never go

    Say you'll never go out my way

    Say you'll never go

    For we can still go on

    And make it through

    Just say you'll never go

    Say you'll never go away

  8. I'm an eclectic reader- anything from the serious, to downright silly :0 here's a list of my fave books/authors


    Ambtrose Bierce - all his collected works


    HH Munro (aka Saki) - all his collected works


    Neil Gaiman - The Sandman Series, Smoke and Mirrors


    James Clavell - Shogun, King Rat


    Uderzo and Goscinni - The Asterix comic Books


    Bill Watterson - Calvin and Hobbes


    Pol Medina Jr - Pugad Baboy :D


    Cecil ADams - The Straight Dope


    Isaac Asimov - I'm partial to his short stories


    Margaret Weiss and Tracy Hickman - The Dragonlance Chronicles


    I also have a collection of occult books :D and I collect storybooks (Oscar Wilde's stories, Brother's Grimm, Arabian Nights, Hans Christian Andersen, etc...etc)

  9. One of my fave song line is from Kenny Rankin's It Had to be You


    ...for nobody else gave me thrill


    with all your faults I love you still


    It had to be you


    wonderful you


    It had to be you


    And of course- the Indigo Girls' Power of Two


    So we're okay we're fine


    baby i'm here to stop your cryin'


    chase all the ghosts from your head


    stronger than the monster beneath your bed


    smarter than the tricks played on your heart


    put them all together and we'll take them apart


    adding up the total of a love that's true


    multiply life by the power of two


    know the things that i am afraid of


    i'm not afraid to tell


    and if we ever leave a legacy is that we


    loved each other well...

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