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Status Updates posted by damnhot2128

  1. 3 more weeks before I get my laptop back LOL

  2. Girls, there's a fine line between wearing make-up or just looking like you got gang banged by Crayola.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Climaco


      ala the joker?

    3. nashty


      reminds me of grade school principals.. do they do that on purpose?

    4. jakeyjunkie
  3. I just noticed the "profile views" counter does not change..Not that I care..I just find it weird..

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Mango Man

      Mango Man

      hey damnhot, no worries! I was just being playful and in a joking mood when i posted my comment :D don't forget your raincoat and galoshes, rainy rainy days aren't going away soon.

    3. mots


      til now?

    4. damnhot2128


      Yep.but again it's ok.it was just an observation.no biggie really :)

  4. good morning to you too sir!

  5. Just had lumpia with rice, xtra large fries and spag delivered from Jollibee LOL =) yum!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. sqpinc


      yummy! like!


    3. bonito99


      That's dinner?

    4. damnhot2128


      bfast to you normal people...dinner for me LOL


  6. good night mtc...see you in the mornin!! :)

  7. on HBO ... Nightmare on Elm Street...But I LOVE THE ORIGINAL :) Remaking a Classic Horror FLick is not so smart I think :)

    1. xxxxdgnr8xxxx


      plus, they don't have johnny depp. or at least, they can't afford him now.

    2. damnhot2128
  8. HAHA i know what you mean..

  9. Eat THAT Alapag! HAHA

  10. Just got home from Batangas and Tagaytay...tomorrow --- BACK TO WORK!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. xxxxdgnr8xxxx




      at least you got yours. ako, it has been ages since i set foot in a beach. *long sigh*

    3. damnhot2128


      oh wow..try to go soon..before we hit the -ber months :) batangas is not that far..1 night won't hurt.

    4. xxxxdgnr8xxxx


      it's alright. not much of a beachcomb anyway. i was thinking..baguio.

  11. Good mornin to you too! :) Enjoy the cold weather =)zz zzz zzz sleep =)

  12. Just lookin around too :) Thanks for droppin by my page...

  13. Do you live in a farm? You sure know how to raise a cock - this made me laugh LOL

  14. Disappointing results but definitely NOT a disappointing performance from my new crush haha Neil Etheridge =) Good Job! only 3 goals for Kuwait out of TWENTY attempts!! Clap clap =)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. damnhot2128


      hell yeah he did...=) Tomorrow we'll see though...

    3. xxxxdgnr8xxxx


      sorry to rain on your parade but 'em pretty boys aint that ripe yet.

    4. damnhot2128


      i know..they are way better now than they were before so I'm not complaining really :)

  15. thanks for droppin by my page =) hello to you too.

  16. Hey...You were askin what's up..haha was hoping I can say something exciting pero I've been tied up with work and tied to my bed (to sleep LOL) so aside from these two..zilch haha

  17. super busy with work..rarely have the chance to go online..you?

  18. Happy weekend!! =)

  19. thanks for droppin by my page :)

  20. I still like Megan Fox more than Rosie Huntington-Whiteley. She was smokin hot..probably hotter than Megan but the chemistry was simply not there for me..

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Mango Man

      Mango Man

      talk about blatant flattery :D LOL

    3. perverto


      You're right mas gusto ko din si Megan Fox..pero si Rosie lang ang bukod tanging babae na nakipagusap ng harapan kay Megatron hahaha....ang corny! :D

    4. ashcanman


      Haha... Rosie may look a lot like Cameron Diaz (whom I love with all my life) but I agree, Megan Fox is a better fit.

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