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    To meet new people.

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About Me

I got my principles in life:


* I don’t reject people coz I don’t want to be rejected.

* I don’t do to other’s, things I don’t want to be done onto me.

* There are many fish in the seas.

* I usually cross the bridge when I get there.

* I don’t like people who doesn’t like me.

* Better to be late than never




* There are 100 and 1 ways to express yourself better choose the right choice. You can say No but in a fair and better way.


I always strive to be a better person. I always have a clear view of what’s ahead of me. Im a 27- year-old man waiting to exhale what is left of my childhood days. Im ready to have a fight against the insecurities that this world bestowed upon every human being. I know that I am not perfect and maybe never will be but i take hold of the pride within me that i will always do good in everything that i want to achieve in life. I always go beyond the norms and standards, but I always makes it a point that it’s a calculated risk. I try to live my life as colorful as possible because I know that I may die anytime and not experience the ecstasy of LIFE! I’ve gone to greater heights when it comes to lessons learned from my mistakes. I always wanted to be someone who will be remembered. I want to do something of a great caliber to prove that I can make a difference on this world. c”,)


Yeah, why should I spread all the gloom in cyberspace like a virus or something? Well, sorry if I probably made one of the most depressing online profiles in the world wide web. Nevertheless, I tried my best to crack some jokes and make things appear even just a bit funny for crying out loud. Hey, I too want to laugh at my own misery. Besides, the internet is a free dominion. Why pester me if I want to do it like this anyway?


i despise people that were once your friends then you suddenly realize how fake they are after being so good to them, but then again i guess that it’s their loss and one day they will realize what great friends they could have had.. i don’t like people that are jealous of their own friends and can’t be happy when something good happens……


I have a lot of detractors. People hate me and at the same time envied me. For what reason? That I don’t know…


I admire people who can appreciate other people not just on how they look but on how they live as person.


Many people like me and many people don’t. If they don’t like me its simply because they don’t know me. I appreciate things as they are but if there’s anything i can do to make it better, i will.




I always believe that we should be good to every individual we meet on our journey in life, they always says that each and every person we meet of our way up are the same person we will meet on our way down.

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