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Posts posted by GetBack

  1. (Not to break the fourth wall here, but I bet you most of the people here just gloss over the other posts and just jump to sharing their opinions. Like me! Haha!)


    Sex is just one part of a relationship, but it is very important. After all, how can you be a good partner in the sack if you can't communicate properly with your partner?


    And a question to all: what if you and your BF/GF's libidos were misaligned? i.e. What if you need sex more than your partner does and he/she can't meet your needs?

  2. "The State shall defend:


    The right of families or family associations to participate in the planning and implementation of policies and programs that affect them." (Art. XV, Sec. 3) "


    This is the hook that allows the Church to prevent sexual eduaction from being taught properly in public schools and in many parochial ones. They contend that it is better to have the family teach this than the school. The sex ed curriculum was scrapped recently because there were so many objections to the people who developed it...the Church wanted it to be less physical and focus more on abstinence, choice and sin. They wanted any mention of contraception to be omitted and to stress the rhythm method. Finally, they wanted the final version to be approved by their team of 'sexperts' first. That is unbelievable.



    Oh abstinence-only education. Two words: Total. Failure.





    To the previous poster who says that Americans have comprehensive sex ed, only the lucky states do. For conservative states (Hey, you could include the good ol' Philippines too), abstinence-only sex ed results in more unplanned pregnancies and STD rates.


    GOOD JOB, CHURCH. We're truly grateful for the misery you're forcing down our throats.

  3. The fact is that you barely have as much choice as you think, science says.


    For example:


    There are casinos that track a player's progress. If he's about to reach his limit of say, 5k, they'll have an attendant approach him and offer some compensation, like a free meal or a concert pass.


    The reptile part of our brain says "Hey, I won something for free" which is actually only worth substantially less, and it forgets that it lost so much in return.


    You guys can learn more about it here: www.radiolab.org Look for the podcast on Choice.


    (As for the previous poster, kudos, man, for striving to dig outta that hole. Good luck. :] )

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