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Status Updates posted by erika123

  1. Things are getting better. Thanks for asking.

  2. It's nice to do OT when you are writing invoices. :-)

  3. going to pampanga today ...... road trip..... hay...

  4. It's 12nn. I'm hungry.

    1. erika123


      I wanna eat a good salad. Mamou's or Zuni's.

  5. I see some light at the end of the tunnel now.

  6. I've been wanting to try Luxent Hotel. Their swimming pool is pretty neat!

  7. Hello to you as well. I'm actually quite stressed these days. I hope your days are better.

  8. Heard Chiz is Number 1 in the survey.

  9. Thanks, Maiko Yuki was the first porn star I knew. She was at the peak of her career in the 1990's. But I think she's a bit old now and so she has retired.

  10. Cant believe facebook is charging me over $500. I will definitely not pay this!

  11. Sta Lucia going up today! Time to sell?

  12. Wala akong cellphone eh. Bigyan mo ako? :-)

  13. Inspector from BoC coming today. Nervous as hell. More nervous than when I was preparing for my prom date.

    1. erika123


      But of course, he didn't come.

    2. erika123


      And he didn't come again.

    3. erika123


      He came!!! After getting nervous, he just said "Pa-picture naman with you." And since im inches taller than him he said "pwede ka bang umupo sa picture." Ngyek! Comical talaga!

  14. Bone tired from my trip from Tarlac. But it was very fulfilling addressing the students.

  15. Century Properties: an opportunity to Buy today? Top up placement of 800 mil shares at 2.05 a piece.

  16. Thanks for your words of encouragement. It's just that I've already been hired by a broadsheet to write for them that's why find it hard to find time to write at my blog now. But I'll try to find yime

  17. Bloom is dropping fast. Heard foreign brokers are selling it.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. erika123


      ok naman. the market is tricky these days. Its so high which makes it all harder to pick which stocks to buy.

    3. vincent85


      I hope this trend would last..

    4. erika123
  18. My BP has been steadily UP for two days now. I'm really getting old.

  19. I finally got myself a lawyer. :-)

  20. Just had 3 native eggs and 3 breads, and a mug of fresh milk for breakfast. YUM! I feel like Gaston in Beauty and the Beast.

  21. Thank you, Arman Red

  22. I lack sleep! I hate days when I lack sleep. Arrgh!

    1. Arman Red

      Arman Red

      I have permanent insomnia and understand what you feel. Writing help through the lonely nights, or reading.

    2. erika123


      That's what started me in mtc. All those lonely nights when you look at your family in envy because they are sleeping and you can't.

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