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About Me

Hey Dickhead,


I'd like you to refrain from asking about my details, rates whatsoever. I am not FOR RENT not even FOR SALE, you don't own me, I ain't your property so be POLITE and GENTLE. One more thing, please don't use any abbreviation like what I have encountered so far (mpa, mp, psp - in my world PSP is an abbreviation for PlayStation Portable, so why the hell are you gonna ask me If I'm a PSP do I look like gadget to you? I don't get you so why waste time) I would appreciate if we talk the normal way not vernacular. You can send me your details, any ego boosting you got there, facts about yourself, links of your pictures (ofcourse for the love of God, most recent pictures), you can also attached your picture through MTC's personal messenger/inbox, yahoo messenger ID, facebook/friendster email address and basically anything that will catch my attention. You can also leave your number. If I get to like you I will send you a message and then MAYBE we can start something from there, fair enough?



Andrea ♥

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