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Posts posted by psychopath

  1. Fedor has the WAMMA Belt, you can search for him in you tube and check how he defeat every opponent. I agree with Olympus, he just got careless, he wanted to finish the fight as much as he can that's why he got caught by a triangle choke. He even tried twice even he got caught at the first time. He probably underestimate his opponent that why he lose.

    Fedor is asking for a rematch but I doubt Fabricio will fight him again. Fabricio achieved his greatest dream why should he let Fedor take it back from him.

    Fedor is still human so its really fine for him to lose, besides age can take away all the greatness on this world. I just hope Fedor focuses on the next fights he will have.

  2. i don't think so either. i think he just sign in with strike force why should he transfer to UFC? Dana white doesn't like Fedor that much because he doesn't have attitude which UFC is all about. And that's what FEDOR also hates about UFC. I bet he will just fight any fighter in the UFC but I doubt Dana White will sign him up

  3. im not considering my self as metal but i love metal and hardcore songs. I like hardcore songs than the metal, metal are full of guitars and some has like high tone voice which hurts my ear. I choose converge/hatebreed over slayer

  4. Boo for him. He should be a part of a body builder contest instead or an actor. I don't believe in WWE wrestler going in MMA, especially Brock. I say Fedor will beat em with just one punch, same goes with anyone who fight him.

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