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Aside from OM, cryptoverse is on a wait status. Just my point of view. Nothing to do much and rush in here.
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Bought back xrp and btc yesterday, as it recovered easily. Stop at yesterday's close. Let's see, how it unfolds. Also, monitoring that famous meme coin. One thing's for sure, that volume can't be ignored.
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With majority of names breaking its supports and averages. Now all cash, will just watch how it unfolds for now.
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3 starter position that I got. xrp, xlm, hbar. To be detailed on the timings; xrp - bought last Jan. 11 xlm and hbar - bought jan. 15 I think, that should help; for those who want to learn and backtracked. #LeadersLead
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For PSEI, after the boom (upward move) and bust (sell down). There is a pause that will took place. This is to rebuild the damages. Some may recover, some may not. This is again a normal event in any markets. Now for opportunities of making money? Yes, there will still be. But it will be a selective one. So, if you don't know how to gauge or find out Stocks in play. I suggest that you just be on the sidelines and enjoy to be in cash. Few names I am still in at the moment; $PLUS (Posted the date of re-bought), and $CHP (NOV. 29); Other SIP in my POV, it's just that, I don't have it; $ABG, and $DITO.
In the global markets and cryptocurrency, there are two ways to make money. It's either go long or go short. How? If price goes at the direction of the trade. Daming sinasabe ng iba, kesyo ganto daw. LOL! If your bearish enough, why not short? If your bullish enough, why not go long? Lumabas na naman si Warren Buffet, ang paboritong anito ng ipit at di marurunong. hahaha. Thanks for sharing a good laugh. Piece of advice, if you have not ridden the crypto run. Wag ka magcheck ng crypto ha, baka ma FOMO ka lang. O, baka sabihin crypto lang maganda tinakbo. Ohh heto isa kung hawak sa US markets. It is the fruit, of life learning studies/experienced in the markets. Hindi ginoogle lang. hiya ako sau lodi e. 😅 🎤 drop. ✌️
The answer really is OGK = Only God Knows. Those who had given a timeline are just merely assuming or perhaps giving a rough estimate, in my POV. In short memasabe lang hahaha. (In which btw, for those butts will be hurt. Show us proof, in terms of price/study re: that timeline. So we can see, what you see and perhaps understand?). When you say disruptions, are you referring to it's volatility? If that's the case, yeah, that's a fact. Since every election, volatility in the markets are normally high. As the market is in progress of "pricing in" , the possible election results. Normally, election, is a positive event in the market place. And anyone who's prepared enough can make a good reaping on it, in terms of results/portfolio gain (only if you know what your doing). re: Gold being unstable; Just my own perspective, the one who says this was unstable. Are those, who don't know how to read price action or those that doesn't know technical analysis, or maybe just trading it for a short term. To me, long term view, it's just acting normal. Let me show it in a chart. Gone are the days, of kwentong kuchero. In the markets, almost everything can be verified. 😅 pan widget
Yup! As I previously mentioned there's no one size fits all. Few notes though, being happy on a method/strategy in the markets, doesn't always equates to making money (specially on risky assets like the markets). If it does, everyone should be making money. Re: "it's always best to invest only as much as you're willing to lose" Yeah that can help. But there are just many issues that will arise overtime. If one doesn't have the right skills I mentioned above.
Adding some information. The focus should be, on where's the money flowing and which direction it is going. Just to be clear, if anyone is a long trader the focus is on the stock/etf that is going up. And if anyone is betting short, should focus on the assets going down in prices. Same reason, why it is currently risk off in my POV at the moment in PSE. Since most names are badly hit and prices going down on majority of its risky assets. Why? People can only make money in the PSE when prices are going up. Shorting isn't available in here. And liquidity one may ask, what's the importance of it? Well, it's what pushes prices up or down. A risky assets/stock/etf or any, won't even move a bit without it. Or a move on which direction it wants to go will not be stable without it. Now, when it comes to the the market anyone is trading/investing. Do you want an environment for easy peso or hard penny. Your choice honestly.