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    Adik sa Kape

SimplengGinoo's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



About Me

I'm a simple person, this is how I would describe myself.

Being learned in the old school way, you'll find that influence all over my options of likes and dislikes,

but some new things are good and worth adopting.

So I can say I'm a fusion of old and new.


I love freedom.

Freedom to make choices, and go anywhere I please.



I believe in true love.

In a commitment to keep that love.

I believe in meeting half-way to keep that commitment in harmony.

I believe in sacrifice,because it is the soul of love.


It is the essence of the relationship.

To be able to walk away, even when you're hurting all over.

Just because, it pains you to keep her, from her own happiness.


I love coffee.

Instant, 3 in one, barako, starbucks, black or with cream...any will do,


Photography heals me,

Keeps my mind off the usual nonsense pressures of life.


Time is short,

No time to dilly-dally, or beat around the bush,

If am to meet a woman, I wouldn't waste any time.

I'll go tell her, and have our meeting of minds.

by the way I am single,

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