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Status Updates posted by jhared

  1. hello lady..

  2. hello lady...

  3. hello lady...

  4. jhared

    hello lady...

  5. hello lady...

  6. jhared

    hello lady...

  7. hello lady..

  8. hello lady..i hope we can chat sometime, please add me packing_packer69 TIA!

  9. ma'm don't mention it...are you at work?

  10. ay =( may flu ka pla...pagaling ka ma'm ha, drink plenty of H2o.

  11. hello ma'm kahlan amnell..how are you? tnx for dropping by...

  12. hello lady...

  13. Hi..can i pm you at ym please?

  14. hello ladies....

  15. hi chubbysexy; how are you? tnx for dropping by sa thread ko. btw, whats your ym add and email add please.


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