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Guns of the Patriots

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Status Updates posted by Guns of the Patriots

  1. All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible.

    1. Danielle


      Pwedeng paki tagalog? :D to naman, serious! halu halu friendship. pers tym ako dumaan dito. witwew! daming tsiks :D aprub!

    2. Guns of the Patriots

      Guns of the Patriots

      Daming chicks? Hinde ah :P

    3. Guns of the Patriots

      Guns of the Patriots

      Daming chicks? Hinde ah :P

  2. Well, opinions are like @ssh0les.....everybody has one.

    1. Danielle


      May I see yours? :P pweh ang bantot! :P

    2. Guns of the Patriots

      Guns of the Patriots

      Haha....I thought you were only going to look....tama ba namang amuyin? :P

    3. Guns of the Patriots

      Guns of the Patriots

      Haha....I thought you were only going to look....tama ba namang amuyin? :P

  3. Identities change.....but the lies stay the same

    1. Danielle
    2. Guns of the Patriots

      Guns of the Patriots

      LOL :P ....and I'm an alternick hahahahahahahaha

    3. Guns of the Patriots

      Guns of the Patriots

      LOL :P ....and I'm an alternick hahahahahahahaha

  4. Someone may have stolen your dream when it was young and fresh and you were innocent. Anger is natural. Grief is appropriate. Healing is mandatory. Restoration is possible.

    1. dea-mische


      ...only if you allow restoration to happen. everything starts in you. :)

    2. Guns of the Patriots

      Guns of the Patriots

      That's true Dea....true. :)

  5. "I lay awake for hours and watched you sleep......I may have loved you even then.

    1. Danielle


      Nakow, inlove na naman kaibigan namin. :D

    2. dea-mische
  6. Six days....

    1. blankeuphoria


      6days and you're back for good?

    2. Guns of the Patriots

      Guns of the Patriots

      Uhm....not for good tho' ;)

  7. Flight back....tonight

    1. 27whims


      safe travels! regards sa 'fans'! *peace*

    2. Guns of the Patriots

      Guns of the Patriots

      Haha suuuuuurrrrreeeee ;)

  8. I do need the exercises to strengthen my fingers. Ugh!!!!!! #receiverdilemma

    1. jelly bean

      jelly bean

      Panu yun, Pat?

    2. Guns of the Patriots

      Guns of the Patriots

      Think of it as improving grip and catching skills....as some sportsmen might say.


  9. .....wishes for this SUV badly. Haaayyyy........

    1. Danielle


      Positive thinking...positive thinking... :) thanks for dropping by too.

  10. Listening on You Tube......Friday (I'm in Love) by the Cure and Mamma Mia by ABBA. Oh those were the days.....

    1. Danielle


      Age, oh age. :P

  11. Friday madness.......Yehhheeeeeyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!

    1. tequilasunrise


      Mr. DJ, can I make a request? :P

  12. I can't resist waking you. Every time I do you look at me as if you hadn't seen me in years. Makes me feel reborn

    1. Lexiiiii


      can i wake up beside you too? :)

  13. Famished....of food and sleep

    1. Danielle


      Once is enough. Once is enough. LOL.

  14. Sorry, the real world is calling to me....

    1. Danielle


      Aren't we all here for the REAL world? :)

  15. The wounds run deep, the pain is almost unbearable. But that doesn't give us the right to just curl up and die. No matter how hard things get, it is our responsibility to keep moving forward.

    1. jelly bean

      jelly bean

      You have no choice but to move forward

  16. Going back....you know where....LOL

    1. ChinaDoll


      I know! I know! Hahaha

  17. Change is coming....especially if it involves my avatar....LOL :D

    1. FleurDeLune


      Should I also change mine? :rolleyes:

  18. Hey darkeinjel

    Thumbs up on the post, kudos!!!!! :)

  19. Hi darkeinjel.....later dear. Di pa ako nakakapagreload ng posts. :)

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