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Guns of the Patriots

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Status Updates posted by Guns of the Patriots

  1. Any advise on how to get rid of muscle pains......cause I really need one now.....Ouch!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Any advise on how to get rid of muscle pains......cause I really need one now.....Ouch!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. cocoy0


      ice massage if recent, if matagal na, go for heat, moist heat.

    3. Guns of the Patriots

      Guns of the Patriots

      Thanks cocoy0, will also try that. Thank you.

    4. Guns of the Patriots

      Guns of the Patriots

      Thanks cocoy0, will also try that. Thank you.

  3. Any advise on how to get rid of muscle pains......cause I really need one now.....Ouch!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Baked Buns....assuming you know who you are. Thank you. :D

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Guns of the Patriots

      Guns of the Patriots

      @Cap: LOL so true....something or someone will be red hot later haha


      @Whims: Hahahaha sino Kaya yun? :D

    3. 27whims


      @GoP: i know, you know #repetitive =p

    4. Guns of the Patriots

      Guns of the Patriots

      @27whims: i know the person? Gosh....I'm clueless :P

  5. Because I just might "get" it? LOL

    The bribe's good if the "tip" is good :D

  6. Because I just might "get" it? LOL

    The bribe's good if the "tip" is good :D

  7. Bribe? Whatcha want? LOL :P

  8. Burning Up For You.....

  9. Change is coming....especially if it involves my avatar....LOL :D

    1. FleurDeLune


      Should I also change mine? :rolleyes:

  10. Chatting....another great way to exercise the Dura Matter.

  11. Diamonds - hardest substance found in nature, they cut glass, suggests marriage, I suppose it replaced the dog as the girl's best friend.

  12. Drained.....from all perspectives

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Guns of the Patriots

      Guns of the Patriots

      I wish it were that easy

    3. tequilasunrise


      push pa, friend! may mga bagay talaga na nakaka-drain, pero exert more pa. kaya mo yan!

    4. Danielle


      Drained and rained? :P

  13. Drained.....from all perspectives

  14. Eggs? And I thought you were allergic to eggs luv.... ;)

  15. Elephants....LOL. And I thought you'd include bulldogs also :P

  16. Famished....of food and sleep

    1. Danielle


      Once is enough. Once is enough. LOL.

  17. Famished....of food and sleep

  18. Flight back....tonight

    1. 27whims


      safe travels! regards sa 'fans'! *peace*

    2. Guns of the Patriots

      Guns of the Patriots

      Haha suuuuuurrrrreeeee ;)

  19. Friday madness.......Yehhheeeeeyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!

  20. Friday madness.......Yehhheeeeeyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!

  21. Friday madness.......Yehhheeeeeyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!

  22. Friday madness.......Yehhheeeeeyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!

    1. tequilasunrise


      Mr. DJ, can I make a request? :P

  23. God has perfect timing; never early, never late. It takes a little patience and a lot of faith. But it's always worth the wait.

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