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Posts posted by stormshadow34

  1. If you will be passing through very dusty areas regularly, I would not recommend using this.  While I was using this, the air control valve that controls the idle speed of my car would foul up every so often (resulting in idle hunting - rev up, rev down all on its own).  You would need to have the RACV dismantled and manually cleaned to remedy the problem.  When I switched back to regular paper filter, It never happened again.

  2. boxing is boxing. mma is mma. there will always be fans of either (or both) sports.

    there might be "eras" for each sport depending on personalities on each side, but both are established already and none will fold, in my opinion.

  3. depends on the use.

    RWD is usually used for performance due to the characteristics of better weight distribution and "agility".

    FWD is for economy and compactness.

    if daily driving in the metro is the condition, an FWD is more than good enough.

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