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Posts posted by BettyConfidential

  1. I would admire her entrepreneurial skills :lol:


    Seriously, I would die inside. I wouldn't like it a bit. I don't want her to be in that profession but I wouldn't like my daughter to be a money-grubbing lawyer either. No hate for these kind of work (MPAs/PSPs). What I hate is the stigma. Society is not nice to these kind of workers. It seems to be one of those careers where women are denied the freedom to do what the want with their own bodies, where it is acceptable to call them abused and lazy, perceive them as nothing more than objects use by other people to satisfy their carnal desires. I'd hate the assumption that they are damaged, immoral, and the sneer looks. But most of all, I would hate the assumption that I have failed as a parent.



    do you have a dream job, what is it?

  2. Hmm, parang nasagot ko na ito a long time ago. The most unforgettable date was with manliligaw number 3 sa Wendy's somewhere in Malate, mga year 2002. Tinanong ko sya kung may pera syang pambayad :lol: Nakalimutan ko na kakagaling lang nya sa US at panigurado ako na mas marami pa syang pera sa akin that time. Nasanay lang ako dun sa ex ko na lagi ako nagbabayad kaya ganun yung reaksyon ko. That's the first and last date we had. :lol:



    Same question?

  3. She's so beautiful

    Yet so sad


    Always saying no one will love her

    and yet, when somebody tells her that they love her,

    she runs and hides


    Silly girl,

    The love you


    You just don't love yourself.



    Not saying that this only applies to women (because of the pronoun used), but sometimes we're the ones who are too hard on ourselves. We beat ourselves up for the mistakes that we've done in the past. No one is perfect. Everybody makes mistakes. Accept it, accept your flaws. But don't make yourself less deserving of anything. Dapat nga mas tumaas ang pagpapahalaga mo sa sarili mo kase alam mo na kung anong pakiramdam ng nasaktan at nakulangan. If you don't like a restaurant's service, don't give them a tip. If its a crappy movie, leave the cinema and save your time. If the dress doesn't suit you, have it replaced. Do not settle for far less than you deserve.


    Kapag may nagsabi na you're not deserving, sapakin mo sa mukha. Tapos.





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