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BettyConfidential last won the day on January 31 2016

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  1. I'm not the same girl 5 years ago. - who insists on what she wants and get it no matter what. I'm not the same girl 3 years ago. - who believes in words alone. I'm not the same girl last year. - who's caught up in her own drama. I'm.not.the.same.girl.anymore. I'm a WOMAN.

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    2. fire_breather


      I think the "nuts' or crazy people are the luckiest in the world. Their mind and their state of being isn't limited by human boundaries defined by the so called "sane" people :). And yes...thanks to you my imagination is free and running wild.. LOL!

    3. BettyConfidential


      Hey thinking out of the box is good from time to time. Let the odd screws lose for a bit but make sure you don't lose the entire freakin' toolbox! LOL

      Cheers to you, fire_breather! Your kind is close to being extinct. :)

    4. fire_breather


      Re: "My kind close to being extinct"... I dunno if it is a good thing or bad thing LOL! I believe extinction is inevitable but the road we take and how we get there determines if we've lived a full and productive life.

      I promise not to lose the toolbox. Where else then can I get the wrench to adjust my screws accordingly or whack me to my senses... :D

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