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  1. youll find:


    MY Garfield toys hanging on all corners.

    MY Garfield Pillows on my Bed.

    Garfield Posters on walls.

    Garfield collectors' items and memorabillas in and on drawers and closets.

    MY Garfield Telephone Handset.

    MY Garfield bags, cd casings, radio, towels, planners placed everywhere!

    MY Garfield Slippers.


    MY collection of books


    VCD player

    VHS player






    Curious lang ako, ba't 'di si Garfield ang avatar mo? :)


    In my room, you'll find:

    my PC, printer, a bookshelf full of books and magazines, my bed, a poster of Tiger Woods (I don't play golf, nakita ko lang kakalat-kalat sa bahay, idinikit ko), a small TV, electric fan, a chair...


    ...wall clock na hindi na umaandar, ipis, bubuwit, mahabang pila ng mga langgam sa dingding, mga butiki, alikabok, agiw sa dingding, maruruming pantalong nakasabit sa likod ng pinto, patid na tsinelas...


    That's all. 'Pag may nadagdag, balik ako sa thread na 'to :)

  2. I have to add to author...


    Pink Floyd ... My all time fave is one the more progressive bands...

    if you're a true fan you should know who they meant by

    "Crazy Diamond" in the "wish you were here" album...

    "Shine On You Crazy Diamond" was a tribute to Syd Barrett, co-founder and former Pink Floyd guitarist. He was replaced by Dave Gilmour when he went completely wacko.


    Syd (still nuts) even attended the recording session of Wish You Were Here, which is one of my fave Pink Floyd albums. Very trippy and relaxing.


    Pink Floyd's Dark Side Of The Moon is considered by many as the greatest rock album of all-time. And I agree with them.

  3. 1. The Beatles

    2. Pink Floyd

    3. U2


    The Beatles need no explanation. Simply the greatest band of all time.


    Pink Floyd made some of the world's greatest rock albums (The Wall, Dark Side of the Moon, Wish You Were Here, Animals, Meddle). If you haven't heard or listen to these albums, then you're missing one half of your rock n' roll life.


    U2 also made some great albums (Joshua Tree, Achtung Baby) and great songs (One, All I want Is you).

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