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Status Updates posted by xxxxdgnr8xxxx

  1. jacob was a cheater, peter had a temper, david had an affair, noah got drunk, jonah ran from God, paul was a murderer, gideon was insecure, miriam was a gossip, martha was a worrier, thomas was a doubter, sara was impatient, elijah was moody, moses stuttered, zaccheus was short, abraham was old and lazarus was dead...God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the CALLED!

  2. a perverse man stirs up dissension, and a gossip separates close friends. -- Prov. 16:28

  3. too early for profundity

  4. "every now and then say, 'what the f*ck.' 'what the f*ck' gives you freedom. freedom brings opportunity. opportunity makes your future." -- from Risky Business

  5. note to self: "you do what you have to do for yourself and not for anyone else." GOODLUCK!

  6. imagine living in a world with no Google. it's awkward saying "Yahoo! it". "Google it" seems a perfect fit.

  7. SAD NEWS - please join me in remembering YET ANOTHER great icon of the entertainment community. The Pillsbury Dough Boy died yesterday of a yeast infection and traumatic complications from repeated pokes to the belly. he was 71. Dough Boy is survived by his wife Play Dough, three children, John Dough, Jane Dough, and Dill Dough, plus they had one in the oven. services were held at 355 for about 20 minutes

    1. damnhot2128


      haha almost had me..

    2. xxxxdgnr8xxxx


      gotcha! *wink*

  8. "technically, i never lied. you asked me questions, and i responded with made-up words." --Marshall Eriksen

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. xxxxdgnr8xxxx


      kaya nga technically eh! *wince*

    3. damnhot2128


      *rolls eyes*

    4. xxxxdgnr8xxxx


      and what's with the rolling eyes? *snarl*

  9. start spreading the news! derek jeter hit a dinger to left field and onto immortality! he is now the 28th player -- and the first Yankee -- to reach 3,000 hits! *WOOT WOOT*

  10. "don't let fear steal your funk!" -- marshall eriksen

  11. look at world! here comes the "litte razkals"!! http://bit.ly/kBMXPU

  12. taken from the Bro Code: article 95: a Bro shall alert another Bro to the presence of a chesty woman regardless of whether or not he knows the Bro. such alerts may not be administered verbally. (the shoes tap, the eye redirect, the swift shin kick *D cups and up only, please*).

    1. damnhot2128


      Barney's my favorite HIMYM character =) I think everyone will agree =)

    2. xxxxdgnr8xxxx


      but did you know that his bachelor days are numbered? he's gonna get hitched next season.

  13. RM *lol* java is coffee. surely you know what jolt is. but if it still confuses you, lemme make it easy for you. a sip of coffee.


    08 Jun 2011 - 03:11

    This may sound stupid, but I have no idea what java jolt is.LoL.

  14. that sucks big time! hopefully you already made the necessary contingencies like notifying your bank to deactivate your account.

  15. that sucks! hopefully you alrady made the necessary adjustments, like notifying your bank to temporarily deactivate your account.

  16. damn that sucks! hope you already made the necessary adjustments, like notifying your bank to deactivate your account. double damn!! it's a friday!! *aghast*

  17. damn that sucks! hope you already made the necessary adjustments, like notifying your bank to deactivate your account. double damn!! it's a friday pala!!

  18. damn! that sucks. hope you already made the necessary adjustments, like calling your bank to deactivate your account. double damn! it's a friday! *aghast*

  19. just how much does a polar bear weighs?

  20. how much does a polar bear weighs? *wink*

  21. just how much does a polar bear weighs?

  22. para ka palang hotdog. bibong bibo! *lol*

  23. lights..camera..AKSYON!

  24. would that include photography and frozen dessert indulgence? *wink*

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