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Status Updates posted by xxxxdgnr8xxxx

  1. how much douche could a douchebag douche if a douchebag could bag douche?

  2. we're all in the game, just on different levels; dealing with the same hell, just different devils.

  3. if you want to hate me, do it. i don't give two f*cks.

    1. tequilasunrise
    2. Danielle


      wtf! there seems to be a fad of hating these days. oh world, let's all learn to appreciate and if it's too much to ask, then let's just mind our own business. haters reborn! *wala lang, wala lang magawa sa buhay kaya nagdadrama. LOL!

    3. xxxxdgnr8xxxx


      ganun talaga

      andaming inggitero sa mundo

      mga bwiset!

  4. once you give a hater your undivided attention, you have just given up your power.

  5. never allow yourself to be defined by someone else's opinion of you.

  6. let go of the things that hurt you in your past, they don't deserve any room in your future.

  7. all guys should learn from Mario Bros. no matter how far their princess is, they should go after her.

  8. ˙ǝɹǝɥʇ ɯoɹɟ llıɥuʍop llɐ s,ʇı 'ʇsnɹʇ ǝɥʇ ʎɐɹʇǝq noʎ uǝɥʍ

  9. when life's giving you lemons, turn 'em all to lemonade!

  10. "love isn't just a feeling. it's shaving your balls." -- michelle annabeth flaherty, american pie: the wedding

  11. there's a purpose for everybody you meet. some are test to you. some will use you. some will teach you. and some will bring the best in you.

  12. "sometimes it's something. sometimes it's meaningful. sometimes it's caressing faces and fingers intertwined. whispering little secrets in the ear. and sometimes a f*ck is just a f*ck. it's grinding your sh*t. it's emptying your balls and falling asleep right after you cum. and that's what you and i are gonna do to one another coz that's what friends are for." -- Young People F*cking

  13. it doesn't matter who you used to be. what matters is who you have become.

  14. a visionary has left us today. rest in peace, mr jobs. you really made a dent in the universe.

  15. first, it was greenwich. next, chowking, then, mang inasal. now, it's burger king. jollibee should have devil horns instead of antennas!!

  16. ----------E stick this fork in the red sox because they are DONE!! *evil laugh*

  17. the AL east is ours, boys! all's good in the Yankees Universe!

  18. mind. heart . purpose. goal.

  19. the heart is a tough muscle. it can take a squeeze or two.

    1. xxxxdgnr8xxxx


      that's why there's a thing called bypass. *wink*

  20. condoms aren't completely safe, as advertised. one guy was wearing one and got hit by a bus. true story!

    1. chillies


      Baka nama kasi sa ibang head nya nilagay? imbes na sa ... *wink*

    2. SyncMaster 933

      SyncMaster 933

      ba't kasi sa head lang, dapat pati body kasama... hahaha

  21. still can't think of a better place to be at right now

    1. tequilasunrise


      your girlfriend's place? :)

    2. xxxxdgnr8xxxx


      you read minds, too? *smiles*

    3. tequilasunrise


      oh di ba.. your gf's place is probably the best place to be at.

  22. truth is only as real as our delusion allows -- Wu Wei

  23. “what you call love was invented by guys like me to sell nylons.” -- Don Draper, Mad Men

  24. "l'unica cosa peggiore di cui si parla non si sta parlando." a work in regress.

  25. haters don't really hate you, they hate themselves. coz you're a reflection of what they wish to be.

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