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Posts posted by rockchic

  1. depends on your budget. if you have some money to spare, then go for station1.

    but the "gimik" places are mostly in station2. whatever you decide, everything's just a walk away.

    if you're with a special someone, then go for station1 for more privacy. and the sand there (i think, or i'm just hallucinating) that it seem finer, whiter and nicer. well of course compared to station 3. heheeh

  2. what's the name? hmmmm is he some sort of a doctor? i'm totally clueless. how long does a session go? do i have to be kinda naked just like a massage? hahaha.

  3. one cannot escape hurt. as i'd love to drown myself with work, hurt still gets the best of me.

    i want to forgive, to give him another chance to make it right or to hurt me the next time around. i know i'm just being stupid again. i don't want to carry on feeling hurt and doing crazy things. love taught me that no much i'm hurt, it doesn't give me the right to hurt other people just bcos i'm hurt.

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