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Status Updates posted by rockchic

  1. Let's say im a counselor... Haha

  2. Make a wild guess then.

  3. None. Sorry not interested. Thank you.have a great time in mtc.

  4. next question pls...

  5. no uglies, stupids, stalkers and pervs pls. =)

    1. Show previous comments  29 more
    2. magnomedella


      Happy new year sexy.

    3. tororista


      im not a stalker.. i'm just following my dream :D


    4. rockchic
  6. it was great, thanks for asking!

  7. i am fine, elmo!

  8. well im not rly interested in mindgames with strangers, sorry.

  9. no uglies, stupids, stalkers and pervs pls. =)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. rockchic


      alright then.


    3. consigliere


      hmm, this is quite an old status update already.. but regardless, just want to drop by and say Hi :)


      I don't fall under any of the categories above..especially the stupids lol. I'm guessing you are more likely to converse with guys who talks sense :D

    4. rockchic


      yup, old status but still the same old s@%t. yes, guys who talk sense. =)

  10. thanks for visiting my profile. have a great time in mtc.

  11. no uglies, stupids and pervs allowed here. =)

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. bulletproofcar


      what catergory does xxxxdgnr8xxxx fall into? :)

    3. rockchic


      @xxxxdgnr8xxxx, thank you. you're hilarious too.

      @bulletproofcar, let's change topic? this is getting old. =)

    4. magnomedella


      am i still allowed?

  12. it's pretty interesting to entertain bored souls here. i'm amused by their humor or lack of it.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. rockchic
    3. bulletproofcar


      every hot blooded male spewing absolute nonsense and you pretending to even half like it makes it fun :)

    4. rockchic


      not all naman ;p


  13. don't even think about it.

  14. rockchic i wish i was interested, but i cannot lie.

  15. i wish i was interested, but i cannot lie.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DJ Tiësto

      DJ Tiësto

      this time last year


    3. rockchic


      what about this time last year?


    4. sigman23


      sbi q nga lokohim mo n lhat wag lang sarili mo...

  16. that makes you a law student then, not a lawyer.

  17. Yeah I think you're cute but really you should know. I just came to say hello, hello, hello, hello

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. iskander


      what about hot librarians? I worked in a library once. well, i sat around, read a few books, moved a few books, dusted a few books...

    3. iskander


      Hot mascots? (it was a local burger chain, they needed a guy in a cow suit, times were hard for me back then, I don't really like to go there...)

    4. rockchic
  18. hey dyiggysioux, sorry i'm not interested. thanks

  19. thanks for dropping by. have a great time in mtc :)

  20. hahha, in order of preference. have a great time in mtc. thanks for dropping by my profile

  21. is an ugly duckling. =*

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. rockchic


      oh okay so you're saying you're a beautiful swan now, well then good for you.

    3. Miggz


      Beautiful swan? Nice metaphor... hey, a healthy self-esteem isn't a bad thing :P

    4. rockchic


      good for you then


  22. don't be fooled. =p

    1. mots


      ? interesting

  23. sorry, not interested.

  24. is 90% nice and 10% naughty. =)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. rockchic


      everybody does =)

    3. highway69


      I think everybody else is too :) \m/

    4. steadyelmo


      Who doesn't?

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