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Status Updates posted by LuSciousNess

  1. ah yea. i remember. i know someone who graduated from your alma mater.. at sa pagkakakita ko, he's very neat, ang gwapo. at napakatikas ng katawan. :)

    ok lang yan hindi masyadong stereotyped, in your heart meron parin part na influenced by your school. :)

    btw, swerte ang mga nagiging KG's kasi hindi lahat ng lalake, nakakapasok run. ur lucky then. ingat ka dyan sa work mo.. :)

  2. a friendly reminder: you should NOT be arguing with ugly people.. they have NOTHING to lose. :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. iamasannin


      ahaha bakit sino umaaway sa iyo? Upakan natin! :P

    3. LuSciousNess


      wala naman. its just a status iamasannin

    4. iamasannin
  3. tnx for adding me up tc

  4. like how shallow? had to party. nice to have a comment from you. take care bunchies. :)

  5. atleast napatawa kita. :P

    gud day. :)

  6. wag na pumalag. isusumbong kita sa upperclass mo. :P

    c ya around.

  7. thanks for dropping by bok. ^^;

  8. Aside from imitation, the best form of flattery are girls swooning over your man. :)

  9. NOTE TO SELF: A ring on the ring finger DOESN'T mean he's married. :/ in denial, teh? :P

    1. LuSciousNess


      hinirit ko tlga ang status na to na 2 araw ko pinag isipan kung ilalagay ko.. :))

    2. Climaco


      Oo. I'm wearing my college ring

    3. LuSciousNess


      good answer climaco. on the safe side. :D

  10. Male underwear has an opening in the front so that oxygen can get to their brains. :))

    1. caloy168


      oh really! thanks for the info..hahahaha...what a nice logic in there...pleasure w/out taking off the brief! :D

    2. LuSciousNess


      HAHAHA buti nga u were able to understand the idea behind the status post. :)

      thanks for dropping by btw.

  11. how to keep the fire burning? continuous experimentation. hindi lang nagiging routine ang love making like other couples do. :P

  12. To me, a man's sexiness is NOT defined by size, length or even performance, but more on his SUBSTANCE. :)

    1. steadyelmo


      Sad but true since only a hand full are of existence...

    2. Miggz


      Its always nice to know that some women think this way :)

    3. LuSciousNess


      siyempre naman mr. future-atty-to-be :)

  13. To me, a man's sexiness is NOT defined by size, length or even performance, but more on his SUBSTANCE. :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LuSciousNess


      ows? hindi puro ____???

    3. Climaco


      The first attraction are the ______. Pero siguro kapag medyo nagkaka experience na, hinahanap ko kung meron naman substance. :D

    4. LuSciousNess


      I RESPECT YOUR opinion. wala mang sense ang dating, still, opnion mo parin dapat irespeto. sabi mo yan eh. @clinaco

  14. thanks for the comment posted on my profile. :)

  15. homeless heart.. not worthless.. :-s (feeeling doggy na inabandon..) hahaha seriously, i feel something like this. (-__-)

    1. steadyelmo


      What happened? Care to talk about it?

    2. LuSciousNess


      ok lang ako. hahaha i just feel like posting a funny status. so there it goes. :))

    3. steadyelmo


      Kala ko naman...

  16. A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend. A successful woman is one who can find such a man. :D

    1. LuSciousNess


      the one posted is indeed true. :P

  17. is touched.. and sort of kilig to this mtc guy who sent his recorded voice singing one of my favorite song. aww. :*)

    1. ZariHemi


      thank you for addin me up to your wide range list ^_^

  18. hi. passing by. take care

  19. bumili ako ng candy sa tindera ng yosi sa kalye, upon waiting for the sukli, i saw her "iphone" .. at first, im thinking baka china phone. .. but WAIT. tinignan ko tologoh.. and was surprised. ORIGINAL. :D as i walk away from her, narealize ko.. "nakakainspire naman magtinda ng yosi kung makakakuha rin ako ng original iphone tulad ni ate sa tindahan ng yosi.." :))

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. compadrei


      there's a possibility na GSM yun iphone niya. or napulot kung saan

    3. LuSciousNess


      tama. baka nga compadrei. pero its wrong na mag isip ng bad sa ibang tao. pero mahirap rin mag isip based sa lifestyle nya meron siyang ganun kamahal na phone.haha

    4. LuSciousNess


      my dear.. sana nga ganun eh. sana "niregalo" :)

      hahaha mas maganda siguro mag isip ng positive na niregalo rather than thinking the other way around. :))

  20. thank u for adding me. enjoy mtc. :)

  21. played hotel626 .. and i can say, its sooo sooo scary playing it alone! :D

    1. Darkwing Duck

      Darkwing Duck

      You don't have to play it alone, I can accompany you.

    2. steadyelmo


      Perhaps I could join you...

  22. ty for adding me

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