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Posts posted by donjulio1942

  1. Can't wait for season 3.



    Harvey taught us how to play poker. " i don't play the cards. I play the man."


    Mike would probably be the best poker player. Poker is all number theory.



    Donna, Rachel, and Jenny. Awesome.



    Three stars.

  2. Top 3 bloggers/writers



    1. Darkeinjel - insightful, Impressive, interesting


    2. AnastasiaElliot- sensual, snazzy, saucy


    3. DrLadyChaterly- concupiscent, cerebraL, carnal

  3. A


    How many times do you have to be reminded that for women the best aphrodisiac is not power, wealth or charm. Isabel Allende wrote that the best aphrodisiacs for them are words; the G-spot is in their ears; and to look for it below there is a waste of time.


    Sing them a song. Write them a poem. Send them a letter. Talk dirty to them. Tell them how much you want them.


    If you do these, then your women will not be those who want power or wealth or charm. They will be those who want you.


    Find her and tell her she is the one.




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