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Status Updates posted by cherry_bourbon

  1. a more positive blog post for today. sigh. sana mas marami na akong readers... haha! if you like the blog please tell your mtc friends! thanks!!

    1. staringatdsun


      i like the way you write. sad lang i cannot PM you my thoughts or post a comment on your blog

  2. im sure...oorder nga ako nyan online. :)

    salamat po sa pagtangkilik sa blog!

  3. second and last blog post for today. it's about me, my weirdness, and what i'm looking for in a relationship. haha! more secrets revealed!

  4. second and last blog post for today. it's about me, my weirdness, and what i'm looking for in a relationship. haha! more secrets revealed!

  5. new blog entry po, mga peeps. if you don't have anything better to do, and you're bored... eto po ang isang ma-emo na blog entry. hehe. Feel free to leave a comment on the blog

  6. hi, Mango Man. Ikaw lang yata nagbabasa ng blog ko. haha. Thanks so much!

    I'm okay...nagre-release lang ng init ng ulo. :)

  7. actually, no I haven't. hahah! :) have you?

  8. hi, all! I have a new blog entry. It's only 3 sentences long, so sana basahin ninyo. haha! Kisses!

    1. Mango Man

      Mango Man

      I was reading your latest posts...hmmm, hope everything's alright.

  9. haha! you're a flatterer, I get it... :)

  10. new touchy-feely blog entry! :)

    1. Mango Man

      Mango Man

      perfect reading for an overcast, drizzling summer's day :D

  11. new touchy-feely blog entry! :)

  12. new touchy-feely blog entry! :)

  13. new touchy-feely blog entry! :)

  14. new touchy-feely blog entry! :)

  15. deep? me? haha, hardly.

    you have a great day!

  16. thanks for adding me, midnight!

  17. I have started a blog...it's not much, but it's a blog. haha. if you're not too busy, check it out. link's on my profile page. Kisses!

  18. hi! Thanks for the add! :)

  19. hi, all! so much for "resuscitating" my account eh? haha! much thanks to everyone who added me..kisses!

  20. @Mach83 oh really? okay wait let me log in...

  21. Hi Mach83. Thanks din...

  22. i've missed MTC. am going to resuscitate my account.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. eliasjose
    3. cherry_bourbon


      @Buguy and @eliasjose - thanks for adding me!

    4. cherry_bourbon


      @bigboy85 aka AJ - i appreciate your honesty. :)

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