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Status Updates posted by cherry_bourbon

  1. @cbestonactor just like that? haha. don't make me laugh, boy.

  2. I'll be online until the work day ends today. It's gonna be a looooong day. Keep me company?? Add me up on YM. Address is on my profile on the left.

    1. cherry_bourbon


      change of plans. turns out I have to go on an out-of-office mission. :)


  3. I'll be online until the work day ends today. It's gonna be a looooong day. Keep me company?? Add me up on YM. Address is on my profile on the left.

    1. prime_xmen


      add me up please...

  4. Hi everyone. Slow Tuesday. Rainy, cold, alone...sigh.

    1. xxxxdgnr8xxxx
    2. Mango Man

      Mango Man

      rain rain go away!! hayz :D

  5. Hello again. I've set up a new yahoo (messenger) profile. Add me up (again) at mscherry_bourbon@yahoo.com. See ya.

  6. Hi guys. My blog is gone. and so are my yahoo and gmail accounts. A few other people iat my office have been similarly attacked and we are still trying to figure out who is behind this. I do not feel up to creating a new blog anytime soon, as you know, I was very attached to that one :(. Thank you so much to everyone who dropped by and read my nonsense.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. cherry_bourbon


      I know. I'm so furious!! Nakakapanghina. :( What sucks more is that both my email accounts are gone.

    3. xxxxdgnr8xxxx


      the one time i reacted to a blog, and yours got deleted. sensya po. i could have jinxed it. *frown*

    4. cherry_bourbon


      Ikaw pala ang salarin! :) Haha, no apologies needed. s@%t happens. Thanks for reading.

  7. Goodness, what an exhausting work day! I hope you guys had a great and peaceful Tuesday. I have BLOG post up, btw.

    1. xxxxdgnr8xxxx


      is it the prelude from you know what?

  8. Thanks to everyone who dropped by today!! A new BLOG post is up. Short and sweet. See ya soon! :)

    1. jmartinph


      nice blog :)


    2. cherry_bourbon


      Thank you! glad you like it. :D

  9. yeah. my stats spiked like crazy today. :)

  10. @fufu check out my blog... it has a bigger version. hehe.

  11. @fufu, yes those are mine. it's "tsamba" shot. haha. a leg fetish? hmmm..

  12. @fufu. *wink*

    @rigger me too, I've never tried it... hehe

  13. hi fufu. can i call you fufu? :)

  14. hi fufu. can i call you fufu? :)

  15. I'm online on YM, if anyone fancies a chat... :)

    1. rigger05


      love to have a fancy talks. add me up mon_perez05@yahoo.com

    2. cherry_bourbon
  16. hi there. are you online?

  17. Hay, Monday again. Hpe you all have a good week ahead.Be safe, be smart, be kind. *Kisses**

    1. lamborginigallardo


      same to you maam...

  18. New BLOG entry up. ka-senti-han. Skip if you have an aversion to mush. :)

  19. Hi Miggz. You left a comment on my profile. I wanted to reply but for some reason ayaw gumana. anyway, thanks for the encouragement, The blog's not much right now, but it's a start. Hope you can visit often. :)

  20. Hi all! I've been sic these past few days. I have a kwento on my blog. so.. NEW BLOG post! comments are welcome, judgment is not. :) Peace and kisses for the weeekend!

    1. Miggz


      Congrats on having your own blog :) I never could muster up the courage or industry to have one myself :P

    2. Miggz


      Congrats on having your own blog :) I never could muster up the courage or industry to have one myself :P

  21. I forgot! I'm on Twitter now. Follow? Thanks!: https://twitter.com/#!/Cherry_Bourbon

  22. Hello! How was your weekend? Mine was INSANE! Read my new blog post (if you like)! Thank you to everyone who popped in over the weekend and esp to those who left the lovely comments! Visit again soon! *kisses*

  23. Hello! Fixed na po yung settings...ou may now leave comments. yehey! thank you!

  24. New Blog header picture! hahah! ambabaw ng update... lemme know what you guys think! :)

    1. cherry_bourbon


      BTW po, I fixed the comments settings so pwede na po mag-leave ng comments without logging in. Salamat! :)

    2. Mango Man

      Mango Man

      nice legs, in fairness!!! :D lOL

    3. staringatdsun


      beg to disagree, i think whats between the ears are way sexier than the header picture. read the blog

  25. hi! thank you for reading my blog. I didn't know that comments were disabled pala...let me check that and sana you visit the blog again. :) new posts are up! :)

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