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Posts posted by BRONX

  1. 1st; It really depends--If you love your gf enough that it wouldn't matter if the child wasn't biologically yours

    And your willing to accept and love the child as your own, then you will stick with the relationship.

    ( But this is very rare to happen ).When guys really fall in love with there gf..wag lang siyang mawawala.

    .For some reason girls cheated, if they see that there bf is some kind of a jerk and do cheat a lot.

    Problema kasi pag lalaki daw ang gumawa , Ok lang ,,wala naman mawawala..eh lalaki eh.

    But if girls na ang gumawa, damned isang pagkakamali lang out kana.....sa buhay nya.

    Now, if the situation is reverse, Kung ang bf naman ang nangangaliwa at siya ang nakabuntis..

    What could be the gf's do???...You see, it's easy to say " We're Done!" w/o knowing the rootcause of the problem.


    2nd; If you don't feel that you could do that, stand as a man and fight for your love, I would suggest breaking up. <_<

  2. Just show considerations for your partners well-being if she don't want to have sex with you , yes i agree with lord superb post above that we have

    basic needs ( physical, spiritual , mental, emotional ) , depending on how we grow in the society that we live...just respect if your partner grows in different way

    Ika nga - waiting is a test of true love- Love is patient, Thats about as simple as it gets. We can learn the sincerity of our partner's love by willingness,

    or lack thereof , to wait.., LUST is everywhere,but i don't mean that you can do it whenever or wherever you wanted it too,w/o respecting your partner.

    LUST is easy come easy go, but LOVE that involves feelings and respect..

    Finding true love..that's hard to find. better if you don't find it, but wait instead.

    From Philippians 2:3

    Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves;


    The word LOVE has many different meaning, it can be describe as an intense feeling of affection, an emotion or an emotional state.

    Corinthians 13:4-5

    Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking


    To those who already find LOVE in there hearts..Goodluck! but don't easily laid :D

    To those who enjoy LUST , will better better start to look for LOVE now..or if already in a relationship, better STOP doing it.

    and respect LOVE with your partner..Mahirap na makarma, right??:)

  3. If I could have just one wish,..

    I would wish to wake up everyday

    to the sound of your breath on my neck,

    the warmth of your lips on my cheek,

    the touch of your fingers on my skin,

    and the feel of your heart beating with mine...

    Knowing that I could never find that feeling

    with anyone other than you....


  4. 1.Sense Of Humour/Cuteness/Shy/Playfull at least creative where she can able to find fun everywhere.


    3.Lady Like/Gentle/Elegant/Delicacy/Panache

    4.Trustworthy and Faithful


    Opps sorry it's unusual right , hmm perhaps a girl who wears open toed shoes with nice feet and she has a nicely manicured nails.:P

  5. A man loses his sense of direction after four drinks;

    A woman loses hers after four kisses..:lol:


    Women are like telephones;

    They like to be held and talked to,

    but if you push the wrong buttons you might get disconnected! :(

  6. Feelings and desire to interfere a certain relationship can both deceive and destroy if you let them, though sometimes can be good also depends on your intentions and actions on how each individual treated each other in there relationship. If either one is unfaithful or not treated well. Yet it's good to interfere, specially if you really have special feelings to him/her . But if someone only knows and cares about seeking what they want to get their way even if the person they have interested in is already taken, then that clearly states with a bad intention w/o considerations to the feelings of two lovers involved.


    Just because a person in a relationship does not mean they are content or are not in the lookout for someone "better"; whether this means more compatible, more attrative, etc. Unless that person is married/engaged then what's the harm in letting that person know you find them interesting? if they are really in love they'll just tell you to go to hell anyway, but if they also share the same feelings as you, then it can be the beginning of the end..hehe.:lol:.but make it sure to settle the break-ups first so no hurt feelings invloved. Of course this should not be done for any infatuation but for real feelings.


    Well IMO, since most people here says NO, i should go for it specially if i feel that that is right in my heart and also if we have mutual feelings, but then again It all depends on the circumstances of their relationship. Do what makes you happy not what you think is best, romantics always say feeling and emotions over reason. Just do it in a right way and be considerate to the feelings of others. Life is to short. You never know what will happen..haha lolz..:D

  7. I always thought that there was

    this one perfect person for everybody in the world,

    you know, and when you found

    that person the rest of the world kind

    of magically faded away, and, you know,

    the two of you would just be

    inside this kind of protective bubble,

    but there is no bubble,

    I mean if there is you have to make it,

    I just think life is more than a series of moments,

    you know, we can make choices,

    and we can choose to protect the people we love,

    and that's what makes us who we are

    and those are the real memories.

    = Forces of Nature...

  8. simple, women don't care about our appearance anymore, what they do care most is our WALLET, our CAR, if you have all these things, makakakuha mo lahat ng babae na gusto mo.


    girls, don't be hypocrite anymore, enough good qualities na... lol


    I bet the disagree na most beautiful girls ay nakukuha sa pakapalan ng bulsa or pagandahan ng kotse..etc.. Looking good is not the same as looking beautiful. You may not look very handsome and could be considered the average Joe, but you sure can still look good and hit up beautiful woman…How?? Hmm..; Here are some reasons or ways kung bakit ang Magagandang babae ay mas Pinili yung hindi kagwapuhang lalaki.B)


    First at least you have HUMOR..being funny and witty or having great sense of humor is the most important in order to win beautiful woman. Even the more intelligent gorgeous woman thinks this as a big trait. Hindi naman porke mayron ka sense of humor eh banat ka lang ng banat ng mga crude jokes,,you have at least creative in some ways by turning serious topics into funny things. Na hindi nakakasakit. Yes I agree with the above post Dolphy is a good example. And I agree also with what Chinitababe says on previous post.;)

    Second is LOOKS, You think kahit gaano kpa kapangit , butas-butas yung mukha bungal yung ipin etc. eh hindi ka papansinin ng babae..of course not..madali naman kasing deskartihan tong mga ito..cosmetic specialist lang kailangan.. Antway, If you'r not belong to the above category and you look as an ordinary male, then it is not difficult to LOOK GOOD.You have at least know how you chose your dress, handle your posture, and the most important thing is the way you Smile..:)


    Third is CONFIDENCE ..Self confidence is the most important in almost every aspect of everyday of our lives, You might be persuaded by someone who speaks clearly, who holds his or her head high, who answers questions assuredly, and who readily admits when he or she does not know something. Just gain a sense of self-efficacy and enhance self-esteem..heads-up high.;)


    Fourth is EMPATHY. Being empathetic is about rapport and openness between people. When it is absent, people are less likely to consider your needs and feelings. The best way to build empathy is to help the other person feel that they are understood. That means being an active listener, It allows us to create bonds of trust, it gives us insights into what others may be feeling or thinking..Rest assured girls like someone to have this..being their side. Kahit hindi ka kagandahang lalaki.^_^


    Last is CHARISMA, Charisma is that magnetic and magical quality that attracts you to another..Pipiliin ka bang makadare ng isang magandang babae,,kung Manina loob mo .Siyempre Hindi..Mamaya aatikihin kna bigla sa puso kasalanan pa nong Magandang babaeng kadate mo diba .heheh lolz..


    To conclude with hindi naman importante na dapat mayron ka nitong lima eh. Basta mayron ka 3 out of 5 ,And HUMOR is the compulsory..Bahala kna sa dalawa Shoot kna to date with Hot Gorgeous woman out there..Like Samantha James..Really don't have any idea whose Beautiful here in MTC..kya sya na lang example ko ..haha lolz..:D



    It is easy to pretend to have a date with beautiful girls with a rich men with super expensive cars.


    Do you think this things won't disappear ???( i.e. money , cars, etc. )


    Some beautiful women tend towards ugly men because they like oxymorons (not morons)…:D

  9. Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot,

    who calls you back when you hang up on him,

    who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat,

    or will stay awake just to watch you sleep...

    wait for the boy who kisses your forehead,

    who wants to show you off

    to the world when you are in sweats,

    who holds your hand in front of his friends,

    who thinks you're just as pretty without makeup on.

    One who is constantly reminding you of how much

    he cares and how lucky his is to have you....

    The one who turns to his friends and says, 'that's her.'

  10. "It is easy to follow, but it is uninteresting to do easy things. We find out about ourselves only when we take risks, when we challenge and question.


    "People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.


    Whatever difficulties you've encountered you must face for it because the most precious things you've learn will came out with good output in life.


    - Risker -

  11. I Walk away, this individual is not worth my time, love, and energy..


    For girls when you found out that your partner cheats on you.

    Cut his pe@&s off and put it in a blender...no sewing that S*** back on!!

    For sure, Nobody is going to want him now. haha ..kidding lol..! :lol:


    Please don't do the same else you experience pain in the V*****. .haha , lol , just wait for the right one for you!.

    Usually a person cheats only because, they're really don't LOVE there partner, they have problems with there sex life (The physical attraction just isn't there), when they got drunk, when they found out that there partner cheats them too, when there is too much fighting, when your partner was not there when you need them most.


    Sometimes people cheat not because they don't respect you but because they don't respect there selves.


    Some girls when they are FALL in love, they are also FOOL to forgive., that's why other's might say, There's always been a second chance.


    If the desire is too great that they can't keep it in their pants once, chances are, they aren't going to have the will power to do it if the situation arises ever again. Leave, and never look back. Once something goes sour, it won't ever be the same. :mtc:

    Miles Away!


  12. Diko makakalimutan ang mga alaala

    sa galak at kalungkutan ng tayo'y magkasama

    kahit iniwan mong ako'y lumuluha

    kahit na alam kong ang buhay ay ganyan talaga

    kaya't pinilit kung unawain kita


    subalit diko makakalimutan na ikay maalala

    datapuwat masakit ang lumisan ka

    kahit na ginawa kong unawain ka pa

    bagkus ng iyong nagawang pagkakasala

    pero ginawa ko pa ring patawarin ka


    Ang dasal ko na lang na ika'y masaya

    at walang magawa kundi palayain ka

    darating ang panahon makakalimutan kita

    alam kung manunumbalik din ang dating saya

    darating man siya diyo's na ang bahala

    kaya't paalam na saan man mapunta, ngunit

    di makakalimutan TAKSIL ka pala!


    :cool:Haha lol..


    by BRONX

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