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Posts posted by marnelli4

  1. hhhmmm.. it would be so long to describe my current boyfriend. heheh..


    first, as what I believe love is time..

    he has always time for me.. even hes busy at work.. he has time to call me or text me.


    2nd, he tells me all the time that he loves me . which i love love love love to hear from him..


    3rd, he knows what i feel kahit sa phone lang.. or am i too obvious? heheh.. he knows what i want and need..


    4th, he talks with sense, hes intelligent.


    5th, i know hes a family guy.. which is a Filipino trait..


    6th, he respects my decision, though most of the times i respect his decision, which means,he has sense of authority which is good kasi, he shows me that he is a man.. aaaaaaaww...


    7th, still searching for his being a good human and a boyfriend.. i know he has a lot of good traits.. :hypocritesmiley:

  2. i had been working my ass off to get college diploma.. when i got my first salary, i paid my outstanding balance in school, i have to loan from my neighbor to get my transcript of record.. school wouldnt release it if i have balance.. :( i remeber my grade 5 teacher told us, if we receive our first salary we have to buy somthing that we can see and can keep forever.. :cry:

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