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Posts posted by castlemaine

  1. photoediting with a laptop/notebook? aside from not seeing the right colors, it will give you a headache squinting to see/check the details. unless you'll only edit simple pictures/graphics for web use


    i'm using a 15" toshiba with an i5 and 4gig ram, but when photoediting or drawing i connect it to a 22" Samsung Syncmaster lcd monitor


    thanks for the inputs sir! well, i do calibrate my monitor religiously in order to get the colors right. you're right about the monitor size though, zooming to full screen doesn't provide enough real estate for tedious photo retouching (unless i move between 100% and full screen modes). i guess, i'll pick up the new monitor option first.


    btw, my current notebook is also a toshiba (dual core, 1.5gb ram).



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