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Status Updates posted by steadyelmo

  1. Would you pursue your dream career or a career that will give you financial stability?

  2. You're soo damn cute...

  3. Ey Leyna, hope we could go out sometime...

  4. Just been busy with work... Have to find time to unwind.

  5. Hope we could go out sometime...

  6. Welcome back wild one... How are you?

  7. Ey there! Hope we could meet up and be friends

  8. How was your weekend?

  9. Goo day! How's your weekend?

  10. Good day! Hope everything's ok

  11. Ey sweety! How are you? Hope all is well

  12. Good day! Hope we could be friends

  13. sir pa pm naman ng mga conntacts...

  14. Master cody, ang cute naman ng 2 girls sa avatar mo. Hmmm

  15. Looking for a decent lady for an FMF...

  16. Hope everything's ok...

  17. Hope everything's ok with your family and work.

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