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Status Updates posted by Leyna

  1. But the way to my heart is up there, right between the ears.

    1. ICD10


      at least you have one... my ex says I don't have any.

  2. “Late at night, when your brain is tired of thinking of everything else, you will find me there. You cannot throw me far enough away.”

    1. Stoneformer


      Naked I hope... It relaxes me.

    2. carlosy


      Happened to me

  3. A month late? Awww :P

  4. Oh, now it's gorgeous? :D

  5. I suck at small talks and I have the attention span of a squirrel with Alzheimer's.

    1. johndoe2-1


      practice will make it better :)

    2. tororista


      small talk lubricates potentially substantive social encounters. perharps you are one of the precious few who needs no such lubricant.. :P

    3. islekimp


      do we all not have the same symptoms of Alzheimer

  6. Happy birthday, dear!

  7. I would be happier if our minds would touch often.

    1. tororista


      we could really use some intense intellectual intercourse ;)

    2. Leyna


      I wonder how many times your lines worked with other girls. Haha

    3. tororista


      never worked so far, still working on it..

  8. Silly girl! What's wrong? Tell me.

  9. I want that part of you that you refuse to give.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Stoneformer


      minsan akala mo lang gusto mo. Almost always, it's just the thrill of the chase. Nothing serious.

    3. SimonViktor


      Hi Leyna. i love you. joke lang.

    4. tororista


      if you want it so bad, come and get it ;)

  10. We can't take comfort in the thought that relationships never end. We can only hope to find a love that is good enough to be worth all the trouble.

    1. no foul

      no foul

      very well said, its just that nowadays love that is good enough to be worth it doesn't exist anymore.. :) thats just my opinion..

    2. tororista


      If there's any kind of magic in this world it must be in the attempt of understanding someone sharing something. I know, it's almost impossible to succeed but who cares really? The answer must be in the attempt.

  11. LOL thanks, guys, for the visit. This seems like an asylum of some sort.

  12. Hello, I've waited here for you. Everlong.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. tororista


      Oh, so I like yours then ;)

    3. Leyna
    4. popsticles


      one of my favorite from foo fighters

  13. Everyday is a goddamn struggle to be happy.

    1. tequilasunrise
    2. tororista


      let's make it a happy struggle, then.. :P

    3. SimonViktor


      Parang hindi naman.

  14. I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code.

    1. islekimp


      would that be linux or windows encoding :-)

    2. Enel


      give me the language, i might have it on my pc.

  15. Give me one good reason why I should talk to you.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. SimonViktor
    3. attyv


      because I didn't need to think about what to post.

    4. SimonViktor


      wala naman nanalo.. :(

  16. Lol @aratilis. Yum!

  17. Wazzup? Behave ka ba while I'm away? ;D

  18. Ooops, hi everyone. Thanks for dropping by. ;)

  19. @slutitabettina, bbkeyks chestbump! Haha

  20. LDR = DIY

    1. tororista


      leyna doesn't reply = don't ingratiate yourself

    2. Leyna


      lol clever! But that's harsh

    3. tororista


      they say harsh is the new sexy #50shadesofgrey

  21. I'm not a drinker, and beer is not my friend. But tequila? I never say NO to tequila.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Leyna


      @SaintPeter5858, it's interesting but kinda scary. What can your friend say about it?

    3. Stoneformer


      fantastic! then you're my kinda girl. I'm thinking of going out tonight. Care for a tequila Leyna?

    4. tororista


      tequilan mo na yan, mashama sa health yan. ako hin gin ako nainom, beer beer hira nalang..whisky anong mangyari, tanduayan mo yan.. :P

  22. I find it strange how you can read me like a book, even when my pages are left intentionally blank.

  23. Too good to be true? Yes.

  24. Shut up and kiss me.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. iskander


      lol is the offer still open??


    3. iskander


      lol is the offer still open??


    4. iskander


      lol is the offer still open??


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