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Posts posted by doinksdoinks

  1. I really liked this series... But now it's starting to bore me. I hope the writers give it a new twist to make it interesting again.


    Lately it's the same plot over and over. The group builds a stable community, they meet an enemy group that destroys everything, they go to a different place to rebuild and start over. Then they meet another enemy group, etc etc.


    i think they are just following the storyline of the comics. and it's the zombie apocalypse survivor of the fittest

  2. nice question chief coz we lost bigtime to alaska and TnT...though nakabawi naman sa smb. How will the pba resolve this? Top 2 automatic, last 2 sa quarters?


    i think quotient system na eto. since wla ng playoff to determine the rankings. since we lost to TNT and alaska w might end up sa 3rd spot. but that's me guessing

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